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Ukraine / Russia

This is real. They’re simply not a true peer competitor (in a conventional warfare sense) to the US or NATO. But they have done a damn good job of weakening western institutions without firing a shot.

Call me crazy, but the US political body spending more time bickering about zero-consequence cultural-war BS at the cost of achieving consensus on broader global geopolitical issues plays right into their hands.

To anyone who is on the fence about the future US role in global affairs needs to realize that we have two near-peer competitors in the world, China & Russia (though one could argue that the prior has become an actual peer competitor). Would you prefer rather have one of those two usurp the US as the global hegemon? Sure, we’re far from perfect here, but I believe we’ve still got the best thing going.

Your resident kinda sorta neorealist

Simple Primer on Russian Hybrid Warfare
I agree for the most part, but other than nukes (which I acknowledge is a big reservation) Russia is not our peer. Their economy, corruption, leadership, and demographic trend puts them on a fairly clear downward path - a trajectory I might add that is at least one reason for this week's bad choices - a sick bear is a dangerous bear.

I fully agree about China and ironically we made them our peer. Shame on us.
Meanwhile in Russia, a new law signed by President Vladimir Putin that would impose prison terms of up to 15 years on people charged with spreading "fake news" about the war in Ukraine has seen several western media outlets, including the BBC, suspend operations in the country.
Tim Davie, the BBC's director-general, said the legislation "appears to criminalise the process of independent journalism" in Russia, while the Washington Post said it would remove bylines from pieces written by its reporters in Russia.
Be careful about 15 year prison sentences for journalists not repeating the party line, lest Jen Psaki, have a "hold my beer" moment.

You folks have a nice weekend. I'm sure we've all persuaded many how wrong they've been ;)
The entire debate in summary:

But Orangeman…
Secret societies, public tribalism, corrupt joint political spin, and best of all... combine all these together for HT Social Media at its finest. I appreciate Randy permitting a thread of this sort sift through the various opinions shared - it certainly pronounces the various themes within. I enjoy various opinions - I find it interesting when others object to respecting opinions - though expect their opinions to be respected. Haha!

Great thread overall! Good to read the various impressions based on media. I'm a bit different than @ElkFever2 and his education of immersing within the extremes of media, etc to gain a full view. I tend to avoid the MSNBC, FOX, CNN type... It's like a dog slurping up their own throw-up... (IM Humble O) I lean towards AP news, unless I disagree of course :ROFLMAO:

For this traumatic series of events unfolding for Ukraine and Russia... It reminds me of the James Bond movie - Tomorrow Never Dies (Not a fan of Brosnan as 007 though other topic other time)

Anyhow, enjoying the read though sheesh, I leave off from this thread for more than 8 hours and I am replyiong to posts from 3 pages earlier. Haha!
There is a website called that is great for getting students to see the spectrum of positions. My son was in charge of their social media streams for a few years as an intern. They also have evaluations of most common news sources and where they are across the political spectrum.

As for argumentative writing, I am assuming you are tackling issues where there is not scientific truth, but rather a spectrum of policy choice. And making one’s argument in the gray is the exact skill they are trying to develop. They don’t need to find “truth”, they need to credibly and clearly articulate a point of view with support.
100%. And I appreciate the site suggestion—I’ll check that out. I was more commenting on the fact that being able to “credibly and clearly articulate a point of view with support” is even more challenging (especially for 14 years-olds who would rather have their eyebrows shaved off and their teeth pulled out) to make when in-depth analysis is required for every piece of evidence used to support their claims. There is no cut-and-dry, quick-and-easy development of a well-rounded position, and it takes time to understand the big picture. That is nails on a chalkboard to most 8th graders’ ears. Ha.
Purely speculation, but my guess is that in 2010 there would be zero HT users trying to see Russia’s side of this. If that is the case, then all the money Putin has spent gaslighting the west is paying dividends.
Riding horses with his shirt off, wearing Sitka, being a black belt in kicking ass...
I feel like he’d fit in around here.
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