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Ukraine / Russia

Not arguing that - but that is not for US Govt officials to tweet.

And how is he helping? The Russians concerned about Putin understand their options - Graham is just pandering for votes and in the process helping Putin in the war of public opinion.
Who cares who said it? And I bet he don't die before causing way more damage. This shit isn't pandering for votes. mtmuley
This shit isn't pandering for votes. mtmuley

Lindsey Graham doesn't pander? Who knew.

There is not a tv camera he won't chase. His history with Trump is so convoluted that it would be unbelievable if you hadn't watched him do it. He used to be McCain's wing man, then effortlessly hopped into the lap of Trump who trashed McCain at every opportunity.
Lindsey Graham doesn't pander? Who knew.

There is not a tv camera he won't chase. His history with Trump is so convoluted that it would be unbelievable if you hadn't watched him do it. He used to be McCain's wing man, then effortlessly hopped into the lap of Trump who trashed McCain at every opportunity.
Not many people have the balls to say Putin should die. Have a nice weekend. mtmuley
I’m starting to think that Putin is attempting to bring back the USSR and if dropping all ties is actually playing into his hand.

I’m getting more and more worried about isolating Russia.
I’m starting to think that Putin is attempting to bring back the USSR and if dropping all ties is actually playing into his hand.

I’m getting more and more worried about isolating Russia.

It’s a fine line. If we send out wholesale indictments we run the risk of galvanizing the county around their leader. For example the stupid Graham tweet is something that could have that effect.
I haven't read this entire thread yet but I have become so disgusted with what is going on that I had to vent my thoughts somewhere. In my opinion the U.S. and western European countries need to go into Ukraine to help militarily defend it's people and turn back Putin. The atrocities that Putin has inflicted on Ukraine's people has already solidified NATO, the EU and most of the world against Putin. They will support or be for the west destroying Putin in the Ukraine.

This is the same bs that happened in Germany and else where when the nazis came for the jews and any others they thought were a threat or deemed inferior. All countries stepped aside until evil had a large foothold and then it took many years to over come that.

One can say that Putin will then use his nukes, hell he has already threatened that and will always threaten that, my guess he will use them in Ukraine if he really is getting beat down. The world can say all the mean stuff they want about Putin and how bad he is and sanction him and his country into oblivion and he'll still be in power. He really don't give a sh&t what the world thinks of him. This is how he rolls. He's done the same in Grozny and Allepo. The world just don't seem to give a rip.

The free world will never do anything to him if they continue to appease and live in fear of his threats. Right now its just Ukraine the world says. The world says we love you, support, you and pray for you. None of that is going to stop Putin and save the people of the Ukraine. There was a whole lot of prayer I'm betting during the holocaust and God didn't come down and smite the evil, he just let it play out. Man has free will, as he has had since the beginning.

Our country is in a bad place right now but the Ukraine is in a whole lot worse place. Lets get over there now and turn the tide and then do the same in November. If we don't do both this country will never be the country we were or want to be again.

We can have all the war crime indictments we want but really, what is that going to do. We have no jurisdiction. They would have to get caught outside of their country's. I don't see that happening. I'm all for punishement but lets just get over there and stop them now.
Do you mean the majority of Russians who are blocked from the truth?
Exactly. Shit like this is prefect fodder to feed them.
Think about how Americans would feel if a
Russian dignitary was calling for the assassination of our president. Make their lives miserable with economic sanctions, make broad indictments of their government and leaders….next thing you know the Russian people are blaming the US and west for its woes.

I love how U.S. President Biden answers the reporter's question! Haha! "Good Question..."
Thank God the world knows Biden well enough.

Then Ukranian President, Zelenskyy's response to our President...

"We want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations, just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. I say this as the President of a great power."
Exactly. Shit like this is prefect fodder to feed them.
Think about how Americans would feel if a
Russian dignitary was calling for the assassination of our president. Make their lives miserable with economic sanctions, make broad indictments of their government and leaders….next thing you know the Russian people are blaming the US and west for its woes.
If the people of the Soviet Union truly understood what their leader is doing im pretty sure the concensus wouldn't be to blame the West for their in house woes.
I’m starting to think that Putin is attempting to bring back the USSR and if dropping all ties is actually playing into his hand.

I’m getting more and more worried about isolating Russia.

I’m worried too. My fear of an isolated Russia is a more erratic and aggressive Putin. I certainly expect to see lots of cyber attacks against Western nations in the coming years, and, even more brutal treatment of dissent, internally.

When you say “USSR”, though, I think expansionist global power. The Soviet Union was only really able to expand as it did due to the perfect conditions created after WWII. It seems pretty plain that Russia does not have that capability, nor a b.s. ideology to peddle. But perhaps I’m fully understanding what you’re implying.
If the people of the Soviet Union truly understood what their leader is doing im pretty sure the concensus wouldn't be to blame the West for their in house woes.

The Soviet Union hasn’t existed since December 1991. The incarnation of what is now the Russian autocratic government like it or not is the only reality these people know and naive to underestimate the likelihood the county revert to nationalism versus a regime change. From a historical perspective that’s way more likely
The west will absolutely be blamed and the majority of Russian will be happy to swallow that tripe.

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