Ukraine / Russia

You are nothing if not unfocused.

Now a little humor I heard today.

Do you know the difference between the ruble and the dollar?.......... a dollar.
New twist on an old joke

US spends a million dollars to determine the head of the penis is for the pleasure of the man.
Poland spends 2 million and determines its for the pleasure of the women
Not to be out done, the Russians spend 25 million and conclude that it keeps the hand from slipping off.
You do have trouble staying on task.

The previous president has at least as much expertise with foreign brides as anyone.
Focus and let's stray on track here!
...“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with <select your foreign concubine>, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”

...and back to Ukraine & Russia:

Zelensky was urged to evacuate Kyiv at the behest of the US government but turned down the offer, according to a senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation.

A senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation quoted the president as saying that “the fight is here” and that he needed anti-tank ammunition, “not a ride.”

That's one tough leader built from a comedian based foundation!
It could also be the prominent proselytizing angles in Christianity and Islam. Add to the the Anglo-Saxon inheritance structure that made all the sons after the first born useless so they had to go out and get something of their own.
Been a long time since I was in Sunday school, but I seam to remember that inheritance structure started with the Jews. Could be mistaken. As for the proselytizing, it is certain that both of those two religions did a good share of their converting with the tip of a sword. Today one of them has traded in the sword for a AK47.
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The only winner if Russia and America blow the hell out of each other is China. Who is Hunter making all his business dealings with and having to give half to the big guy? Oh yeah China. Guess you might say the president is working for China along with some of the top Generals and senators that like to sleep with Chinese spys named fang fang or was that bang bang? Can't remember
The only winner if Russia and America blow the hell out of each other is China.
I believe at that point, the only winner is... any who happen to live - if nuclear radiation, "Day After Tomorrow" fallout is a "win".
Please people, keep all commentary on the level! This thread has brought out emotions and some trolls like no other I’ve seen here yet. It’s hard to keep up as pages upon pages flow every day. We should refrain from ethnocentricity as that closes minds into camps and nobody wins that fight.
This is terrifying...

But, ask yourself, where would you, your friends, and family, fall in this situation? Would you be willing to admit that everything you thought you knew was wrong? What kind of evidence does it take to turn that opinion? I know I have numerous family that would be just like the russians described in that article.
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