
Ukraine / Russia

Please send me contact info for plumbers and sheet rockers whose wages have dropped. We wait months for such services up here and pay an ever increasing premium when we can find them.
If you found one you wouldn't want to use him I bet
Wow. Kind of a mixed salad of economic and sociological concepts. Like I said, I go back to Japan. Nothing collapses other than real growth. If you want a societal collapse based on demographics, give young men a lot of free time and zero job prospects for a long stretch of time.
like paying people not to work? Laxed SS disability requirements
I don't know about 50 yrs or not. That's a LONG time in these days of accelerating change of everything. But it's not sustainable in the long run. Also, I don't think we have population growth w/o immigration, 1.7 kids per household definitely won't cut it.
Must be why I can't open my browser without seeing ads for hot Ukrainian women seeking husbands....
I can fault both. Cheating is cheating.
I guess I’m not talking about the actual cheating. I’m talking about someone who only works 20hrs each week because working more would kick them off Medicaid and the cost of childcare would erase most of what they earn. The system is designed wrong. I feel the same way about the corporate tax system.
^ what does any of that have to do with Ukraine or even Israel .
Because the argument for supporting Ukraine has turned into a discussion of money ignoring benefit. It's not my argument, but arguing about money/spending could be a lot broader than just that. In the end, everything turns political, even when the problems are obvious and most can agree on some changes that move the country forward.
I can't remember if Peter was the one that coined the term Genocidal Joe or not.
What we learned by watching for afar. Big picture, I still believe it is worth every penny.

What we learned by watching for afar. Big picture, I still believe it is worth every penny.

The outcome is far from certain. There is far more complexity now that needs to be calculated into our strategic decision making. We have to look hard at if the technologies/capabilities that are applicable in this fight can be directly integrated into our forces, when our most likely adversary is not Russia. China invests in missiles, while the US and Russia are more reliant on tube fired artillery. While I largely agree that we have learned a lot from this, and should continue to try and learn. We need to be careful about what we assume will apply universally in the Pacific, and also be careful about becoming overconfident.

The U.S. Army has a serious recruiting problem which is partially the reason in the reduction in troops. Current signing bonuses are $50k for certain MOS and $15k for quick time to boot camp. The Army is competing against a healthy, well paying, job market,

U.K. has a similar issue. The U.K. solved it by officially reducing the size of the Army by the amount of unfilled spots.

One of the lessons learned in Ukraine is a country needs to have reserve forces ready to fight above the active duty troops. The U.S. Individual Ready Reserve was 700k in 1973, 450k in 1994 and 76k now. There’s been discussion of bringing back the draft by the Army College to train people to be in reserve for a major conflict. I doubt any politician would support it until China invades the US.

A lot of what the military has learned is that we don’t need as many people. Agree there is still a recruiting problem though. But it is really no different than the shortage of labor in almost every other job, except maybe Real estate agent.
hah! Shortage of jobs... Shortage of embracing the suck to get to a level of quality income though shortage of jobs - these kids now-a-days want it now - J.G. Wentworth style.

Topic of Ukraine / Russia:

Wait until Iran steps up their Houthi operation and sucks more war potential from U.K. and U.S.

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