Ukraine / Russia

Better minds? Please expand. I would love to hear theories on how this could have been avoided with anything other than capitulation to Putin's whims.

The comments like "he saw opportunity" or "he saw weakness" typically come from people who want to confirm their political view, be here or Europe or the moon. It may be true, but Putin miscalculated in many respects. If he thought there was weakness, all he saw were actions that strengthened the NATO alliance. We can move the debate to whether he really cares or not.
I think Mike Pompeo was a very good SOS and easily trumps best cabinet member IMO. The current SOS bleeds weakness. When did the Russian build up on the Ukraine border start?
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It's not just Walmart junk......
How about solar panels?

"Global manufacturing capacity for solar panels has increasingly moved out of Europe, Japan and the United States over the last decade and into China, which has taken the lead on investment and innovation. China’s share in all the key manufacturing stages of solar panels exceeds 80% today, according to the report, and for key elements including polysilicon and wafers, this is set to rise to more than 95% in the coming years, based on current manufacturing capacity under construction."
It's not just Walmart junk......
How about solar panels?

"Global manufacturing capacity for solar panels has increasingly moved out of Europe, Japan and the United States over the last decade and into China, which has taken the lead on investment and innovation. China’s share in all the key manufacturing stages of solar panels exceeds 80% today, according to the report, and for key elements including polysilicon and wafers, this is set to rise to more than 95% in the coming years, based on current manufacturing capacity under construction."
We prolly should infuse Solyndra with more dough....
. . . basically anything plastic.

That’s what they sad about Japan well after they started to kick Detroits butt and take over electronics. China is definitely moving up the value chain - solar panels, wind turbines, large appliances, lithium cells, etc.

Clothes and plastic crap is moving to Vietnam and Malaysia.
This is how ww1 and ww2 started . Coming to the aid of a smaller less capable country .. although the way it’s going ukraine
Has been kicking some ass. But it can’t last for ever. Unless other countries get more involved . Pray this ends or us and more importantly our kids will be dying on another battlefield .
So you didn't buy anything plastic in the last 6 months? BS

Clothes aren't where China makes it's mark, it all the little nicknack, houseware, kitchenware, and basically anything plastic.
Agree. Maybe I did, just don't remember. I just looked at the stuff I kept track of. Basically any kids toy is still China.
I think Mike Pompeo was a very good SOS and easily trumps best cabinet member IMO. The current SOS bleeds weakness. When did the Russian build up on the Ukraine border start?
The bar is low for Pomp. You just think Blinken is weak because of US politics. The US government was telling the world what Putin was going to do before he did it. If you don't like that, have that opinion, but it isn't a situation of lack of info or strength or anything else.
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