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Tyson vs paul

Tyson or Paul wins

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He took an ear... I'm hoping he take a nose this go around.
Tyson is the Ozzy of boxing!
Mike looks better than any 58 year old should. I’ll give him that for sure. And I bet he still hits harder than 99% of society ever could. He probably still dances ok too.

I really want Mike to win, and to win conclusively. I just don’t think it’s going to happen. My take is that Mike has two rounds to either KO Paul or hurt him bad enough that his youth advantage gets countered.

If he doesn’t I suspect that age and conditioning is going to heavily favor Paul and Mike’s in for a beating. That just won’t be “fun” for anyone, including the fans.
Mike looks better than any 58 year old should. I’ll give him that for sure. And I bet he still hits harder than 99% of society ever could. He probably still dances ok too.

I really want Mike to win, and to win conclusively. I just don’t think it’s going to happen. My take is that Mike has two rounds to either KO Paul or hurt him bad enough that his youth advantage gets countered.

If he doesn’t I suspect that age and conditioning is going to heavily favor Paul and Mike’s in for a beating. That just won’t be “fun” for anyone, including the fans.
Paul’s best strategy is to run around the ring and clinch Tyson for a few rounds until Mike tires.
I’m surprised Jake Paul hasn’t picked up hunting influencing yet. Probably the next step in his career. Logical progression for those types.
Paul is going to stay on the outside and pick his way to a decision or late KO. I hate Jake Paul and all the YouTube instagramwhores.
It's not even going to be close. Tyson's defense is very good. Gloves always up, head movement, quick
on his feet. Hard to do much damage to him in the early rounds.
Most people have no idea just how hard he hits. His technique when he throws a punch from
inside is ideal. His whole body is behind it.
Then ther is the mental aspect. Tyson let himself go there jsut a little during the usual interview nonsense.
Absolute animal.
If it somehow goes past 3 rounds then the clown with the beard has a chance. A slim one.
Bigger ring, 2 minute rounds and heavy gloves. I hope Tyson gets thumped regardless. mtmuley
The money is giving this one to Paul, would like to see Tyson KO him in 3, but the odds are against it.
Stuck at home with sick kid they have a 3 episode series on Netflix right now

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