

New member
Feb 26, 2001
I am going to South Africa in June this year, specifically to the Northern Transvaal with a side trip to Kruger Park. I am taking shots for Hepatitus A & B and have malaria pills. I am getting conflicting information about typhoid inoculation though. Anyone have an informed opinion on the need for Typhoid shot(s)? Are they necessary, absolutely necessary, or not needed at all?
DMW, I can't help you with that, but someone will so check back in. Welcome to Hunttalk. Great place to post.
Post often and have fun.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Although Africa Is on My List REAL soon... I haven't been yet. I have Found Out that in Most parts of SOUTH Africa ya don't need those shots.... The best is to Call your Local "DOC IN THE BOX" and have them tell ya. I really depends on the EXACT location you are going.....

We do have several guys from Africa here that can Help ya too.... Might be a few days though....

I ALSO would like to Welocme you to HuntTalk!! We will sure Help out any way we can!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> www.huntandlodge.com


Call your local county health nurse and she can give you information on the shots required. If you can not get a hold of them, then try the CDC, Center for Disease Control in your state, they'll direct you right.

What I have heard this year is there has been a typhoid outbreak, but I am not sure of exactly where. So as a precaution, you might get one. Last year when I went I had to have a polio update, oral polio. If you have babies in the house or surrounding area remember you're taking a live virus and are able to transmit for a couple days after taking it. Lastly you'll need a tetanus shot if you've not had on in the past 10 years. They are the worst of the shots I believe. Do not waste your time with yellow fever, some places tell you that you have to have them, but you don't. Well that just about covers it.

Last thing "Have a good time."

First let me make a recommendation. Don't follow any recommentdation you read here. Having said that, I recommend that you contact the CDC in Atlanta and ask them exactly what you will need, for which area you are going to pass through. Yellow fever shots are necessary to even pass through some African countries on the way to the hunt. Local doctors and health departments have no idea what you will need. Your local university hospital, if you have one, will have all the innoculations you need or will aquire them for you or provide them to your doctor.
Is that you Rhonda?
Or another Rhonda?
If that is you, why spook these guys with all these deseases! (Or does that grin say it all?)
I don't know what a typhoid is and whether one can sort him out with 375 or heavier, but I have never come across one in the bush. Coming weekend I'll be sleeping under the stars for the umpteenth time this summer, in the Northern Tvl.
Jokes aside, Malaria is probably the only precaution to be taken, and frequently not even tablets, depending on precise location.
Wendy at the Linksfield (Johannesburg) clinic is very helpful on [email protected] or 27/11/647-3578 by phone from where you are.
Alternatively, Dr Jameson or Sue on 27/11/807-3132. This data is a year old. If no success, e-mail me with detailed info and questions, so I can ask the local medical gurus on your behalf.
Rhonda, if that is you , why have you not checked out my web site yet???!!!

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