Caribou Gear Tarp

TX Public Youth Hunt and Hog Rec...


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2016
Shenandoah County, Virginia
Put in for some of the public draw hunts in Texas for my son and he drew the Powderhorn WMA for a January 4-5 hunt. I am excited for the opportunity for him (and me vicariously through him) to possibly get a shot at a Sambar or Axis Deer and of course a Texas Whitetail. He killed his first deer last year and wants to keep getting after it. Hopefully he'll have a couple more under his belt before January.

The Powderhorn hunt looks good but I am trying to decide if I can swing the travel from Virginia to Texas for a two-day hunt. We will be the fourth hunt on the property this year, but there is a break between the previous hunts and ours of nearly two months. I think we can be successful but want to pad the odds by booking a pig hunt for a day before the managed hunt - either Jan 2 or 3. That gives us some high percentage meat and checks off a bucket for me as I am dying to shoot a pig (or seven). Can anyone shoot me a recommendation for a hog day hunt somewhere in East/Southeast Texas (Dallas - Houston - San Antonio)? I am searching and calling but there are only about 14,723 Texas hog hunt outfitters.... Feel free to PM me if you have a spot - not looking to spend more than a couple hundred each.

I'll be posting about the TX public land hunt if we do go - it will be easy to take tons of pics when I am not the one with a gun.

Thanks all.
Congrats to your son! The Powderhorn was on mine and my son's application as well, looks interesting.

Can't really help you out at this time on the hog hunt, but would imagine you should be able to find something. The law just recently changed to where you don't need a hunting license for hog hunting. Sure wish other states were as generous to the NR's as Texas is.

Feral Hogs and Coyotes
  • Hunter Education requirements apply.
  • No hunting license is required to hunt feral hogs on private
    property with landowner authorization.
  • A resident or non-resident hunting license is not required to hunt depredating coyotes on private property with landowner authorization.
  • Transportation and release of live feral hogs is unlawful, unless in compliance with Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) regulations. The TAHC regulates the movement of feral swine for disease-control purposes. For more information please call TAHC at (800) 550-8242 or visit the Texas Animal Health Commission website.
If you can swing it, the Powderhorn is well worth the trip. It is one of the hardest to draw for sure. There are not only some real cool free range exotics and hogs, but there are some monster whitetail as well. The only problem would be, once your son hunts the Powderhorn, he will be spoiled for hunting elsewhere.
My Dad was able to hunt the Powderhorn Last year for the Exotic only hunt. He went as a standby and got drawn. Out of the 67 standbys that showed up, he was one of the two cards drawn. The place is over 10,000 Acres and its best to have a ATV or UTV to get around on. They have a few tower stands set up throughout the Place. He said he saw plenty of whitetail, but was on the Exotic only hunt. He saw Axis but was never able to get close enough for a clear shot. He did, however, shoot a Sambar. Dressed out the Sambar weighed in at 357lbs. The horns weren't too tall but they had massive bases. Definitely a good hunt. The Sambar stay in the water. From what he said they are easy to spot as he seen over a dozen. Once shot he said it was easy to float it close enough to the bank to chain it up and drag it back to the cleaning racks. The meat was pretty good. Different in taste and a little tougher but I enjoyed it. As far as a Hog Hunt. I live/grew up about an hour from there and have family that lives 20 minute from the front gate. I can get you a few phone numbers of people to contact to set up a hunt close by, Within and hour away. The person that runs the WMA is really helpful as well once you get there. If you ask him where he's been seeing them and what not he will definitely point you in the right direction. If you need help with anything else feel free to PM me.
Thanks @Snakebadger I will shoot you a PM about hog hunts, so far i have not been able to find much close by and am contemplating a much longer drive in between, but my son's hunt is the priority. I have already contacting the WMA staff once and I do have to agree that he seemed great.
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