TV violence increasing, growing darker post-Newtown, study finds


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Art /Life...and imitation

• A man working on a coffee cart on “The Following” is doused with gasoline and burned alive.

• On CBS‘ “Blue Bloods,” a man aims a gun at a group of children in the park before he is shot dead.

• Even President Grant on ABC’s “Scandal” gets into the act, removing an oxygen mask from a woman’s face so she suffocates.

Real life has continued to intrude on television entertainment as the months go by. NBC pulled an episode of its serial killer drama “Hannibal” after the Boston Marathon bombing, as did ABC with a “Castle” episode where a character stepped on a pressure-sensitive bomb. Some Newtown parents objected to a recent “Glee” episode that depicted a school shooting.

“I think it is only going to get worse,” said Dr. Victor Strasburger, pediatrics professor at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, who has written frequently on the topic of violence in the media. He said media executives are “not willing to own up to their public health responsibilities.”

TV executives are reluctant to talk about violent content, and when pressed question any link between what they air on television and aggressive behavior in real life. Schedules get shifted around when tragic events are in the news, but there’s no indication they have changed the types of programs being made. Policy debates have largely overlooked the issue, focusing instead on background checks for gun owners or bans on assault weapons.

In the past, networks have disputed some of the PTC methodology. Some comedic moments are counted as violent episodes in PTC’s study when they could be questioned, like a play sword fight on “The Cleveland Show.” The PTC doesn’t detail the one violent incident it counted on Betty White’s “Off Their Rockers,” but it’s hard to imagine comparing it to the serial killer on “The Following.”

“I’ve had a hard time finding these studies to be very useful to parents or anyone who is looking at this objectively,” said Jim Dyke, executive director of TV Watch, a Washington-based advocacy group that opposes government involvement in television programming.

Still, it’s a sobering body count.

The parents’ group said it found not only an increase in gore from other studies it has conducted over 18 years but a greater specificity and darkness to the violence.

“There has been no accountability, in my opinion, in terms of the degree and amount of violence,” said Tim Winter, the parents’ group president.

Broadcast networks find themselves squeezed by cable networks that are able to be more explicit in what they show; Mr. Dyke, in fact, said it is unfair for a group like the PTC to study broadcast violence and not include what’s on cable. There’s also a feeling that they’re giving viewers what they want. The explosive popularity of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” among young viewers has clearly made broadcasters take notice.

Talking about the gore involved in “The Following” shortly before it went on the air this winter, Fox Entertainment chief Kevin Reilly said nightmarish scenarios are part of the entertainment menu that a broadcast network needs to provide to its viewers. When a network does this, it must be able to compete with smaller networks on an intensity level, he said.

Parents also have the ability to block out programming that they do not want to keep it from their children, the networks’ defenders said.

A CBS representative declined to comment on the PTC study, while ABC, NBC and Fox did not respond to a request for comment.

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Nail on the head baby.
Sobering for certain.
***Putting the onus on the parents to 'block' or monitor, is crap. Like Obamamcontrol = a joke.
The filth is even on the commercials they all run too (blood and guts spilling all over for shock and awe and ratings)

TV should be limited to : FOX news / ESPN + 2 / Sportsmans Channel and the Outdoor Network.
throw in the bbc network and either the food network or E! news for fun.
well I think that blaming all the violence today on TV is just a huge sucking stick. . .I do agree that parents need to be aware of what the kids are watching, but, we aren't always going to be right there. . .thats where good parenting comes in. I watched all of the "violent" cowboy and indian shows when I was growing up and you don't see me riding my horse through town in a loin cloth shootin up the place and scalping people. I guess we were able to distinguish between fake and real life, unlike some of the kids today. Just my 2 cents. RJ
I'm assuming you are putting this up just for another point of view. The question is...does life imitate entertainment or does entertainment imitate life? It's impossible to blame a TV show/ entertainment for creating violence and turn around and say an inanimate object (gun or pressure cooker) doesn't create violence. Another question...Did any of this violence occur prior to TV shows? If it did then the coorelation between the two does not exist.
Yes violence has always existed Matt but rate of incidence is definitely an existing correlation to be discussed IMO. I completely agree that sociopaths should not allowed guns or pressure cookers.
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I agree harley, but, I think its more of how kids are raised nowadays. I employ some of these kids ( 16-24) and most have zero work ethic, and a sense of entitlement, like I owe them a job and it doesn't matter if they show up on time or even at all, they should still get to keep their jobs. We as a society have taught these kids that being lazy and just doing nothing pays just as if they are working, so, they would just as soon stay home and play video games, or do nothing and that leads to trouble. the problem is most of these kids are second generation and they have watched their parents milk the system their whole life and don't know any better. I still believe that all of the violence is still just a mental thing and a way of making them feel important in life. Sad.
It's like gay porn, if you're watching it, you must be getting off on it. Perhaps the next thing you know you might want to be partaking in it
Nail on the head baby.
Sobering for certain.
***Putting the onus on the parents to 'block' or monitor, is crap. Like Obamamcontrol = a joke.

As a parent I gladly accept the responsibility to ''block'' or ''monitor'' what is consumed in my home. In my opinion this is exactly opposite of ''Obamacontrol'', It is me choosing what ''Me and Mine'' watch,without infringing on the rights of others to chose for themselves.
NHY- I agree with you...sociopaths should not watch TV...only responsible individuals. I'll bet there is higher coorelation between someone who kills with a firearm and a person possessing a firearm than a person watching TV and killing with a firearm. I still don't blame the firearm nor do I blame the TV.

Rut Junkey- I'd be willing to bet every generation says the same thing about the next's amazing that everyone isn't just an ameoba by now based on each generation being lazier than the next since the beginning of time...

WV- I doubt you can catch being gay like you catch a cold. I doubt being around it or seeing it on TV makes you want to be gay but you can certainly let us know from your case study...
NHY- I agree with you...sociopaths should not watch TV...only responsible individuals. I'll bet there is higher coorelation between someone who kills with a firearm and a person possessing a firearm than a person watching TV and killing with a firearm. I still don't blame the firearm nor do I blame the TV.

Rut Junkey- I'd be willing to bet every generation says the same thing about the next's amazing that everyone isn't just an ameoba by now based on each generation being lazier than the next since the beginning of time...WV- I doubt you can catch being gay like you catch a cold. I doubt being around it or seeing it on TV makes you want to be gay but you can certainly let us know from your case study...

oh I'm sure that it true, but, it has changed since I was younger for sure.
Originally Posted by MattK

NHY- I agree with you...sociopaths should not watch TV...only responsible individuals. I'll bet there is higher coorelation between someone who kills with a firearm and a person possessing a firearm than a person watching TV and killing with a firearm. I still don't blame the firearm nor do I blame the TV., if I am deciphering your pidgin logic correctly Matt, there is some correlation where heretofore none existed?

Here's the meat, extend your logic to skeet and plugs to lay off my choice to shoot my tv, sociopaths wanting to kill me for my tv, or sociopaths wanting to kill me with my tv.... with my 30 round mag AR.

NHY- My uncle always says the number one cause of divorce is Marriage. I asked him how he figured that. His response..."have you ever seen anyone get divorced that wasn't married first?". Same with firearms, there hasn't been a firearm related death without a firearm being involved. I'll bet now a days there aren't many people who have killed someone that haven't watched TV. Not because television is involved in anyway but simply because almost everyone watches TV. I love the logic people use and the excuses they come up with. Do you recall the "Catcher in the Rye" and Serial killer correlation that came out a while back? Nothing more than people trying to find a reason where none really exists.
MattK, Skeet and plugs ain't gonna bite the hand that feeds....nor do I don't blame you for cheering for the home team.

..mileage varies.

Awesome story, tell it again bro.

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