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Turkeys - lets see em


This morning Sydney got her first turkey. He eluded us two weeks ago when we set up a blind. This time we did a “run and gun” style hunt where we went where we could ambush him.

He gobbled and strutted behind a pile of stumps so we went at him. Syd stepped around and gave him a load of #5 shot at 10 yards. It was a great stalk.

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2020 MT turkey. That old box call was my FIL’s. He used to cut a notch in it for every turkey that was called in with it and killed. We’ve continued that tradition. I cut the 68th notch with this one. Hunting Husband added the 69th about an hour later.

It looks like he's got some nice white feathers.
I got this big boy yesterday morning. I started off on a farmers tip on where they had been roosting which involved a pre dawn excursion around an 80 acre wheat field that should have put me silently in their hip pocket. At daylight, this joker sounded off from a roost on the ridge 500 yards past where my truck was parked, approx 1300 yards away. After not hearing anything else closer, I headed his way and it sounded as though he was still on the roost. At about 500 yards out I started calling and to my surprise he and another answered. I continued to close the gap until we were about 200 yards apart and they shut up so I sat down. About 30 minutes later the two tom’s silently slipped in to about 45 yards and this one gave up the first shot. The whole hunt spanned nearly 2 hours of us playing cat and mouse. He had 1.5in spurs, the beard went 10.5in, and weighed in at 24lbs. His buddy is still on the loose, but I still have tags. To be continued...DFC7FFD2-BE11-4565-8B71-448B131362B4.jpeg1C199E9F-D617-45B2-986D-7A28F754C627.jpeg
The jake that came in will be delicious, but not worth showing. But the picture I will share is the crop:
Must have had a thing for buttercups. There were a few. :)
Has anyone found anything surprising in a crop?
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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