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Here is TE's own description of the event!
"This is the story its about 20 or 40 min walk we got to the spot I had the gun set up with the sticks that Meathead loaded me we set there for about 5 to 10 min then my dad said lets move so we moved 15 to 25 yd sat there for 30 min my dad got on his knees for a few mins then he said deer deer I became alert and the deer stopped behind some trees. all I could see was its chest about 4 mins later my dad ask me if he could shoot since he had a clear shot at it. I did not give a anwser. I keep asking my dad "is it still there?" He said He wasnt sure a couple of times. After what seemed forever The deer started moving. my dad knew it was not going to stop once it started across the road. He did a meep and stopped it at the edge of the road. I shot and it droppped where we waited about 15 mins befor we walked up to it and it was down and at frist we thought it was a we went to get darren to get the mule to get the deer and I tagged it. and my dad would not stop huging me.
Then we go back to the motel and mom comes out I tell her I didn't get a deer she said o well there is a next time. I just couldn't keep from my smile and told her to look in the truck that flipper got a doe she gets back there and see a buck and asked who got the buck I tell her I did boy I should of never told her it was my buck for she never stopped huggin me."