TSP investments and strategies

I’ve been all in on the L2040. I have about 18 years left out of 30. Thought about transferring into the F for the short term until this blows over but I’ve got so much time left that I’m not worried about it.
One little reminder regarding effective US/intl split is to remember all the big players on S&P500 and similar indexes are heavily invested outside US so be careful not to unintentionally overweight international - you kinda have to over-bias US to reach your actually desired ratio.
Good point. About 45% of the earnings of S&P 500 companies comes from outside the US. In fact even the small companies have seen that number increase. The number for the Russell 2000 is between 25-30%, and that number has come up from less than 20% 20 years ago. I hesitate to recommend adjusting weights based on that metric because it is so hard to find and always changing. And you would need to net out the Intl names. For example, I'm not sure what % of large international stocks comes from the US, but I'm sure it is substantial. Nestle, Roche, Toyota, etc obviously all have substantial revenues from US. The global economy is so interconnected now I am not sure it really matters. In the end, it might be more of a bet on currencies than anything else.
Good point. About 45% of the earnings of S&P 500 companies comes from outside the US. In fact even the small companies have seen that number increase. The number for the Russell 2000 is between 25-30%, and that number has come up from less than 20% 20 years ago. I hesitate to recommend adjusting weights based on that metric because it is so hard to find and always changing. And you would need to net out the Intl names. For example, I'm not sure what % of large international stocks comes from the US, but I'm sure it is substantial. Nestle, Roche, Toyota, etc obviously all have substantial revenues from US. The global economy is so interconnected now I am not sure it really matters. In the end, it might be more of a bet on currencies than anything else.
Yup no easy answers, I just raised for general awareness. For my funds I just give a 10-15% credit to my US stocks as "international" net and call it good.

Between Feb. 24 and March 17, participants transferred $21 billion into the government securities investment G fund, which had the smallest month-over-month decline in returns — from 0.13% to 0.11% or -0.02%.
I was not part of that group, but then again my retirement horizon is likely 20yrs into the future...
CARE Act implemented a feature w/in retired TSP holders that is a quality move, IMHO.

-You do not need to make any withdrawals from your TSP account in 2020 to satisfy an RMD, regardless of your age or employment status.

I started out with an L fund many years ago but realized I could easily beat that performance with my own split in C, S, and I funds. I vary between a 1/3 split in each, to all C & S with a split based on how I feel the market is doing. As for moving to the G fund, I resisted doing that when we had this downturn because I did not want to lose all the potential equity by liquidating my current shares at a much lower price and locking in those loses. Instead, I'm counting on a recovery and increasing my monthly contributions for the time being to buy at a discount. I'm far from an expert and base my changes on Macro trends but it has worked reasonably well. I'm also fine with the risk of not having any fixed income investments in there yet and don't plan to move to any of that until I'm close to actually needing/wanting the money. My 12 month performance as of the peak on 19 Feb was just shy of 20% return. I also don't tinker with it very often with the bottom-line thought that I don't lose money unless I sell or reallocate at reduced share prices.
Negative. I'm still 7-8 years away... If they do, do they bridge people w/ equal retirement $ until 62? Have they done an early buyout? Would it be an OPM, fed wide or individual agency decision? I figure individual though not known of this occuring before.
Edit: Google is my friend... Haha! VERA. God bless Govt acronyms.
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They bought out some of our management early in my career. So long ago that I don’t remember the details.
One of our sups said he heard other agencies were talking about it. He’s known to exaggerate, though.
I know it depends on your investments, but do you think you could withdraw 4% from TSP per year in retirement and maintain what you have?
I’m forced out in two years, so giving things a close look.

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