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When Comey reopened the investigation I realized we were faced with two choices, and it hurt realizing that. One put Trump in charge of a vitriolic TV network furthering the divide and fostering more hate with simplistic views of the world that only serve to enrich the people making them. Congress would be constantly investigating her, never finding anything real, but they would feed the fire. Trump would probably be poised to win in 2020 after 4 years of vitriol.

The other scenario we will live out. Trump won't build his wall, but he will probably look you in the eye and tell you he built the most wonderful wall ever and made Mexico pay for it, and people will believe him. Having Trump in charge will take the controversy away from Hannity and his ilk. Hilary and her controversies are done. In 2020 we may have an option for a more viable candidate.
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No matter who won, I was still gonna be heading to the breaks Tomorrow to hunt some big Muleys.
I didn't support either of the two major party candidates for pres, but things I'm thankful for this AM: there will not be another Bush or Clinton in the WH for the foreseeable future, we don't have to worry about a Ted Cruz presidential run in 2020, and I don't need to run out and buy an AR between now and January...
I didn't support either of the two major party candidates for pres, but things I'm thankful for this AM: there will not be another Bush or Clinton in the WH for the foreseeable future, we don't have to worry about a Ted Cruz presidential run in 2020, and I don't need to run out and buy an AR between now and January...
Bomb shelters may be hard to find.
So far, I have not seen anything lockable about this thread. I think Big Fin has schooled us all.

The best thing about a Trump presidency is that all of Obama's executive orders will be reversed. Health care will be totally revamped.

The blessing is that Hilliary Clinton's political career is over. I am going to have a drink to that and going to bed!
SNL and late night TV will have some great stuff to work with for the next 4 years.

Kinda like Letterman and Great Moments in Presidential Speeches with Dubya.
It is amazing that people are already throwing Trump under the bus, without even giving him a chance. Klinton would have done the same thing that she always has-NOTHING, except for lining her pockets! Trump is going to put honest, patriotic people in his cabinet that will get things done and do it in a competent way.

All of you nay sayers could at least give him a chance. For crying out loud, at least give him some time to see what he is about, instead of jumping to conclusions. At least you will not have the supreme court trying to erode your 2nd amendment and other rights.

Just curious, how much of a chance did you give President Obama before calling him names and such?

Schuyler, I'll be west of you a couple hundred miles doing the same. Good hunting!
The Supreme Court nominations are out of Hilliary's hands. There will not be a bidding war for our justices! Happy Dance!

Thank you sbhooper for the reminder.

Just curious, how much of a chance did you give President Obama before calling him names and such?

Schuyler, I'll be west of you a couple hundred miles doing the same. Good hunting!
I respected Obama until he said I had to sit in the back of the car.
I get why people don't like Hillary. I don't either. But Trump is a vile, disgusting person, and I'm glad that my daughter, at the age of 6 is young enough where I wont have to explain to her that the man America voted in as President would find it okay to put his hands between her legs because he is rich and famous.
Hopefully in time, Over-the-Hillary will take up residence where she a Federal prison. Perhaps now the FBI can conduct an HONEST investigation without having to worry about being another suicide statistic.

Laughable, its not simply Hillary that is corrupt, it is the entire system that is corrupt. There is a different standard for the elite than there are the average every day joe's. Trump will not put Hillary in prison and Trump will not do 90% of what he said. A guy who donated to Hillary, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi has no true want to end the system of corruption when he has donated to the corruption. Trump will accomplish what the republican party wants him to accomplish and nothing more. The fact the republicans got every section of government should trouble you, because the government spending and programs aren't going to change or affect your life like the transfer and sell of the millions of acres of freedom and wealth you currently enjoy. Hillary was corrupt, but I would venture she has just as corrupt counterparts on the republican side, she's just the one who got exposed and caught. They are all pukes, Trump is not the knight in shining armor who can or will be aloud to fix all the problems. He's one man, and despite how loud he wants to be, or strong he wants to seem, the system that allows people like Hillary (which exist at all levels on both sides of the isle) to get away with such corruption will crush him. It's time we are all just honest, Trump isn't the answer and the system he just got wound up in is much bigger than even his mouth or arrogance can handle. Your optimism is funny. What will happen is a recession within the next 4 years, an unstable market, continued spending, continued government healthcare, continued government programs, and a system that is corrupt. Sure a few regulations may be peeled back but many of Trumps positions and policies will hurt the middle class and our economy. If the system can't get him to go along, they'll just break his presidency and ensure he's gone in 4 years. As Michael Moore said, Trumps the Molotov cocktail America just threw into the system they are so angered at, and it will feel good, for a day. What won't feel so good is to know that on the down ballot looking back in 4 years if you voted for a republican and one of your favorite stretches of public lands are off limits, there's no one to blame but yourself.
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look at the exit polls.... LOL

The two worst candidates there have ever been, and about anyone else could have beat either of them, lets regroup in 2020 America we all deserve better than this election cycle brought us. Exit polls showed 51% voted for Trump just to vote against Hillary, I imagine the story was the same on the other side. Neither of these candidates were liked, this entire race was based off of choosing the lesser of two disgusting candidates. I could care less about the presidency, the straight republican line is what we have as the biggest threat to our lands now.
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The Supreme Court nominations are out of Hilliary's hands. There will not be a bidding war for our justices! Happy Dance!

Thank you sbhooper for the reminder.
If HRC was elected she would have replaced one conservative and maybe two liberals (Ginsberg and Bryer). This would leave the SCOTUS 4-5, which still leaves room for compromise. Now it could very well go 7-2. Corporate influence of elections is a huge threat to our Democracy, and if SCOTUS goes 7-2 we will certainly lose any checks on that including the Disclose Act passed last session in Montana.
I answered a PM earlier that I voted for Trump as a vote against the witch bitch. I think Trump may give the country a new outlook. His cabinet designations will be interesting.

I hope the Clinton foundation is taken down. Will all the foreign countries want a refund?

Best of two evils has occurred. I hope Trump's inexperience in politics is a plus.

Hold on to your butt. No one knows what is coming. I have a lot of hope. Optimistic with the change!

Elections have consequences. Sanders may have won going away but the Democrat party used a king maker system of super delegates to make sure HRC was the nominee for them. The basket of deplorables came en masse to make sure she didn't sit in the Oval office. Maybe the Democrat party should have a discussion about the process that allows super delegates to pick candidate who may not have main street support.

I wish Laslovich would have prevailed. Rosendale is not a good choice of Auditor.
What won't feel so good is to know that on the down ballot looking back in 4 years if you voted for a republican and one of your favorite stretches of public lands are off limits, there's no one to blame but yourself.

This is money.
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