
Truck Camping Elk Hunt must have Food.

If you're in the truck just bring the big stove. It'll be fast and easy and after a long cold day it's totally worth it. My last truck trip I just filled a cooler with anything that looked good in the pantry - it worked pretty well.
If it’s just me, I shoot for very simple stuff. Prepared meals I can heat really quick and not screw with dishes. If it’s me and someone else, and it’s a November hunt with not a ton of daylight then I like to do stuff like burgers, fajitas, tacos, pre made Chinese dishes, etc. Sweet and sour pork is one of my faves. You can also premake gravies and such for chicken frieds.

And of course, for gentlemen type bird hunts we do sourdough biscuits and gravy for breakfast.
As others have said, I do the vaccuum sealed frozen meals for dinners. This year was alternating taco stew and homemade tamales. Lunches are homemade energy bars. Snacks are TILLAMOOK cheddar sliced up with summer sausage and packaged in vaccuum bags to go in the pack each day.
If you're in the truck just bring the big stove. It'll be fast and easy and after a long cold day it's totally worth it. My last truck trip I just filled a cooler with anything that looked good in the pantry - it worked pretty well.
I have a two burner camp chef just not sure I want the hassle at all. That said. Even hot water would work wonders for my options.
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I was pretty burnt out on beef stroganoff because of MH but the peak one is awesome.
Especially with a packet of red peppers added while it rehydrates.
The beef stroganoff and the chicken pesto are my current favorites. The breakfast granolas are actually pretty good also.
Sounds good but I am having trouble finding Buffalo Trace anywhere this crazy year and it’s my favorite. Can’t find it at home and Applejacks in Denver didn’t even have it last month.
I understand the problems with this crazy year. I think you may have to broaden yiur horizons. Try evan williams single barrel. Nice whiskey, about the same price point. But if i start having problems finding that, I'm blaming you.
One September, a friend showed up at elk camp with a little generator, a compact microwave, and a bunch of TV dinners. On the next outing, we all brought TV dinners. Some of them are actually much more palatable than many of the freeze-dried dinners.
Have you tried the Peak dinners....... chicken Alfredo is on another level.
Im really liking the Chicken Pesto pasta. Prob one of the best I've had
Those meals have many benefits, taste great, use less water than most, also take less fuel to cook. Triple advantage
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