
Trophies are coming!

Stuck out like a sore thumb!:D. Mind me asking how it happened? I saw a friend of mine take half his ring finger off on a Southbend lathe. Took him and the finger to the hospital but they couldn't reattach it. Congratulations on the successful safari and we'll drink that beer someday.
Ratfink - That picture of you and the baboon is hilarious. You look like a ventriloquist act.
Ratfink - That picture of you and the baboon is hilarious. You look like a ventriloquist act.

If you like that wait til I put up some video in a couple months once I get done editing it.

Here's some more fun with baboons:D


  • D9 Baboon Smile and wave.JPG
    D9 Baboon Smile and wave.JPG
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  • D9 Baboon smile.JPG
    D9 Baboon smile.JPG
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Thanks for additional pics. Y'all had an awesome trip.
Sure you gonna wait 6 years to go back?

We had a fantastic trip. My wife's Hartebeest was the best ever taken on the farm and scores in the top 20 ever in Namibia. Gold medal Warthog's and Springbok's across the board. Bronze medal Kudu for everyone, Silver medal Wildebeest for my wife, and Gold medal Gemsbok for my Father in law and I. We shot a LOT of management animals too. If I remember correctly the 3 of us shot 38 animals.

I am planning on booking again for 2015, so just 3 more years. Planning on going every 5 years if I can swing it, always encompassing my wife's birthday (July 4) and our anniversary (July 10).


  • Claire Birthday Bull Red Hartebeest.JPG
    Claire Birthday Bull Red Hartebeest.JPG
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you guys are killing me, awesome photos and stellar trophies Thanks for sharing!
38 animals holy $#@&^%.and, I thought I broke the bank with 6.I'll get my pics up soon from last week
38 animals holy $#@&^%.and, I thought I broke the bank with 6.I'll get my pics up soon from last week

We had a bunch of freebies. I got a free gemsbok when my PH had me shoot an old injured bull, baboons and jackals were free except the few we exported, my wife had a two for one on the springbok when her bullet passed thru her ram and hit a ewe the PH didn't see laying in the grass behind the herd. Between my wife and I we spent less than 7,000 on trophy fees.

3 hunters and 14 days of hunting stacks up the carcasses pretty quick. The crazy thing was all of us had a couple 2 or 3 day stretches where we didn't kill anything at all. I can say this much, Africa is the place to go for the trigger happy guy that likes to see a pile of critters in the back of a truck, and on the braai.
I agree,you can definitely pile up some game with the rifle doing a walk/stalk.I mostly bowhunted so I had to wait for something decent to show up at the blind.I did rifle hunt for my zebra,and that was alot of fun running into different animals along the way.zebra makes for a pretty good dinner too
Nothing like some of the encounters you can have while following/tracking one species or even driving the track roads looking for opportunity to spot and stalk...some "oh sheit" moments that can get more hairy than you planned will eventually happen but always exciting and what a rush! I have never had to shoot my way out but we were damn close more than once....
I agree,you can definitely pile up some game with the rifle doing a walk/stalk.I mostly bowhunted so I had to wait for something decent to show up at the blind.I did rifle hunt for my zebra,and that was alot of fun running into different animals along the way.zebra makes for a pretty good dinner too

I would forgo shooting any North American game for the freezer if I was allocated 1 Zebra every year to eat. Best meat I have ever had. Glad you enjoyed it too.
Try Zebra filet that was killed the morning of your last day for supper rather than aged a few days Zebra----not too good! But better than 22 hour aged Giraffe filet!
Now both of you go kill an Eland---got to be the best meat I have ever eaten both aged and under 24 hours!
BTW, I did change my mind on how bad Zebra was after we let the filets hang for four or more days on my other ones. Pretty good but still not in my top five of African tasty game. Glad we all have different taste or y'all would be after my gull fren!
Everything is in Seattle now. Just need to get some paperwork taken care of and clearance through the various agencies. Getting pretty excited.
Everything got full clearance today! The crate will be in Great Falls by the weekend and I will go pick it up next week. Getting so close now. I can't wait to see my critters again.
I picked everything up today. Everything was in order and in good condition. I can't wait to start getting some of my stuff on display. Gonna be a bunch of Euro stuff and a few shoulder mounts.