
Muskox in January

They have some protocol, particularly if your un-vaccinated. It's not too severe and I understand that covid protocol hasn't interfered with the hunts to this point. These hunts provide a significant economic impact to that community, so I've gathered it's a top priority for them.

That said, they recently had their first outbreak that spread pretty quick and a good chunk of the village caught covid. We will have to see if that plays out into anything, considering the history these folks have with pandemics.

$600 banana suit. If I had to wear that, I couldn't enjoy showing pictures of the hunt to our kids, kids one day. Plus, seeing as I have to buy 2 of these getups, I'm really hoping for something a little more economical.

Definitely going to check out the arctic brands. That'll likely be my ticket.
What kind of temps are you expecting?
What kind of temps are you expecting?
I have not been there but based up on where in the world it is located, I doubt if it will go below zero and if so not much. They get plenty of daylight in the tpart of the world at that time of the year. However some of the gentlemen who live in Alaska will be able to give you a more accurate answer.
These comments all help tremendously. Really appreciate the feedback.

We hunted them in Nunavut and it was a bit colder there, than you should experience on the island. It was during our wait for them to relax from their defensive grouping that I felt the cold the most. If I were going today I would look at getting a pair of outdoor lucent heated sensor gloves. The sealskinz that were mentioned might also be an option. I would definitely wear mittens over gloves.

This is one of of those off the beaten path hunts that you guys will remember forever. Very happy for you. Have a wonderful time.

p.s. as has already been mentioned at least twice is the traveling delays. Prepare yourself for them mentally but also take along a good book, or two.
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These comments all help tremendously. Really appreciate the feedback.

Totes it is.

Can the trash cans be had in Bethel, or is that bought along for the complete ride as well?
Call the AC or True Value in Bethel. One or both probably have totes and trash cans. Totes are pretty common baggage in the bush. The dry bags that Glass Eye mentioned is a great idea too. No bulk and they don't explode quite as easily as full plastic tote, especially a frozen plastic tote, bring lots of duct tape.

@glass eye any issues with them leaking blood or coming open when full of meat? I'm loving this idea.

What about the skull? not sure what it would fit in, maybe a big duffle bag or a heavy duty trash bag with tape and something on the horn tips?
They have some protocol, particularly if your un-vaccinated.

I know you guys caught covid before the sheep hunt, but if you haven't gotten vaccinated, now's the time. This would be a really expensive trip to not go on.
My 5 year old has had it twice, wife took her to get her first shot today. I'm triple vaccinated and have escaped as far as I know. Don't bother with J&J. One shot of Pfizer or Moderna is the same or slightly better and 2 shots is far superior.

Happy to answer any questions you (or anyone else) has. I have the letters and credentials to offer that advice.
I have not been there but based up on where in the world it is located, I doubt if it will go below zero and if so not much. They get plenty of daylight in the tpart of the world at that time of the year. However some of the gentlemen who live in Alaska will be able to give you a more accurate answer.

We hunted them in Nunavut and it was a bit colder there, than you should experience on the island. It was during our wait for them to relax from their defensive grouping that I felt the cold the most. If I were going today I would look at getting a pair of outdoor lucent heated sensor gloves. The sealskinz that were mentioned might also be an option. I would definitely wear mittens over gloves.

This is one of of those off the beaten path hunts that you guys will remember forever. Very happy for you. Have a wonderful time.

p.s. as has already been mentioned at least twice is the traveling delays. Prepare yourself for them mentally but also take along a good book, or two.
Gentlemen . I was asked privately if I knew this gentleman was going to Nunivak, not Nunavut. I did understand that and thought I made the distinction between the two in two different sentences in my post. Your other comment relating to my post, I will not respond to, but wanted the O.P. to have a much information as possible before their trip/hunt. The most important thing, for me, is that they have a wonderful trip and successful hunt.
bring lots of duct tape.

yes, take it with you and lots of it

Bambistew can give you more guidance on this but my guess is the wind chill will be brutal, if your not accustomed to it. It may only be 10 to 20, but the wind chill !!!! What are you going to take to cover your face ?
@KayakMacGyver — how’d the hunt go? Not sure if I missed a write up
He did:
