Caribou Gear

Tripod recommendations


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2016
Wherever the bugles are
Looking for recommendations on a lighter weight tripod. Currently have an aluminum that I don’t mind but packing it for much distance sucks. Mainly glassing with 12’s and any recommendations on a good pan head? Thanks.
Slik 734 isn’t bad, I also use a va5 head. I picked it up after somebody upgraded at a pretty significant discount
Manfrotto befree live carbon fiber tripod. Manfrotto befree live pan head.

I tried the sirui vA5 head too, but it is heavier IIRC, and I just liked the befree head better.

My setup is 3 lbs. Works well for everything from binos to 82mm spotter. 20240616_173820.jpg

Mine has flickloks, looks like BH photo has twistlock version available now for $310
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Got an Aziak backcountry lite tripod for Christmas and been impressed, especially given the minimal weight. Got their light weight head last summer and it’s ok but not as smooth as I would like, hard to find anything lighter though. Use with 10x binos & 40x spotter.
I run a Sirui st124 tripod with a va5 head for everything. I'm guessing alot of people here do similar. Runs around $275

I take that into backcountry and from the road and never regret it.
X2, Sirui st124 with Spartan Davros pro head gen 2
Just got an Aziak backcountry with Tricer LP

Have not even got to take it to the field yet, but it is smooth and extremely light. Looking forward to using it.
A couple years back I picked up a Slik, 624 I believe, with a head for $204 off of Amazon. Great deal. Tripod was about 2 lbs.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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