Caribou Gear Tarp

Triple Shock Bulletts


New member
Dec 17, 2000
Selah, Washington
Anybody using them, how are they working, i was thinking about getting a box for my 300 win mag but damn there expensive, $36 bucks for a box. Might try the Ultra core lokt instead, I like them in my 270.
I've used them in 7 rem & 7 ultra (conley precision cartridge)...accurate and devastating...but yes, expensive. Cost efficiency should increase if you reload. I think Federal is offering that where you found them at 36$? I believe the bear claw and failsafe are about the same price.
I found them at Sportwarehouse and I dont reload. Yes federal is making them. I guess there in hot demand cause there really pumping them out at federal is what i was reading, cabelas doesnt have any either.
At 36$ they're about 20 % higher than premium bonded bullets in your caliber...not much fun to burn at the range but a very good bullet for on game performance.
Ya I heard there good on performance, I really like the ultra core lokts from remington, they held together good in my 270 on deer so think ill try those out.
I can't see how they are any different than the regular X's. If it was me I'd save the money and buy the regular X's if they are what you want to use. As far as I can tell the only difference is the rings on the side of the bullet, which won't make one bit of difference. Core Lokt Ultras scare me as well, I've seen some first hand test results into gelatin that made me question all the hype they've got. Give the Speer/Federal Fusion a look when they come out. They are really really good. I have yet to see a recovered bullet that didn't look great.
The triple cannelures purporterdly reduce pressure, increase velocity, and reduce fouling according to the techs. Sounds good in theory...must be paying off for Barnes...lots of gun community buzz. Also quite a bit of respect out there for Swift Scirroco..also not cheap.
noharleyyet said:
The triple cannelures purporterdly reduce pressure, increase velocity, and reduce fouling according to the techs. Sounds good in theory...must be paying off for Barnes...lots of gun community buzz. Also quite a bit of respect out there for Swift Scirroco..also not cheap.

Did they tell you how the triple cannelure can do that? I mean if thats true, and I have my doubts, can it be enough to make any "real" difference? Looks like smoke and mirrors mixed with some snake oil to me. I will agree the scirroco is a hell of a bullet. Swift's A-Frames are a good bullet as well. I may try out some Trophy Bonded bear claws this year as well.
The triple shocks are a hell of a lot more accurate than the standard x bullets. I've tried both, and so has my brother, and we both had the same experience. The grooves make all the difference.
Tone, I use 175 gr. swift a frames in my 7 ultra mag...accurate and comparable to nosler partitions on game...the bear claw produced the best 30 cal. group I've ever printed using a friend's sako 75 300wsm w/ 180 gr.
Would very much like to see more Triple Shock cartridge selections become available.
The Tone- The grooves in the bullet reduce the amount of surface area in contact with the lands while still providing a good seal. A similar things is used on NorthFork bullets, which are like a Trophy Bonded Bearclaw with grooves. A poster here, who doesn't visit much anymore (Shaky), came up with his own version. His are a bit different as they are designed to lose the petals off the front. More info at his website: I'm hoping to try the 210gr XXX in my .338 Win Mag. Should penetrate like a 250gr Partition and fly/kick like the 200gr bullets I'm using now; best of both worlds, maybe...
SG- Which bonded bullets? Seems to be a plethora of them now. I haven't tried any yet, but the 225gr Accubond with it's .550BC would make my .338 Win fly pretty flat.
The regular 225 gr X bullets shoot very well in my Tikka .338 Win. Groups consistently hover between 1/2 and 5/8 inch at 100 yards when I use a fairly heavy load of IMR-4350 or RL-22. I have about 200 of them, from when Midway had them on sale for about half price. Once they are gone, perhaps after I am gone :eek: , I may try something else.

I have purchased a box of the Triple Shocks to try in my .270 WSM, but haven't found a load it likes yet. They sure look aerodynamic!
Calif. Hunter -
If you find a load for your 270 WSM, I would really appreciate info on it. I just bought a Browning Mountain Ti in 270 WSM. I recently found someone who is willing to teach me the art of handloading so I'm going to give it a try while the chance exists.