Treaty rules continue in to pop up in wildlife news

I used this term to my buddy who is native a couple weeks ago. He corrected me and told me ‘native, you sound ignorant'. I replied with, "you better tell poplar and browning high schools to change their nicknames then."
One of my best friends is 100% Blackfeet, and he laughs at the "Native American" stuff, as do his Indian friends. They all call themselves Indians, hence the Browning Indians. The libs may not like it, but they don't really care what white libs think.
Both sides did come to an's called a treaty.
Then let them live in the conditions as the did when the treaties were signed😉.
You Need to get out of Wyoming too. That’s their lands. It was in one of the treaties.
Start packing.
And then there is the treaty of '54. I'm learning about that now and wonder what might transpire next.
Then let them live in the conditions as the did when the treaties were signed😉.
You Need to get out of Wyoming too. That’s their lands. It was in one of the treaties.
Start packing.
Where is the expiration date on the treaties?
This is true. Some beautiful habitat that is almost completely void of deer and elk.
Also some of the best grazing land in the wolf mountains and the foot hills of the Bighorns and Priors. Prime farm land on the Big Horn and Little Big Horn rivers. Some very nice country on the Cheyenne too. If the Gov. had been hell bent on putting the reservations on the poorest land, both of those reservations would be in the gumbo north of the Yellowstone.
How does the concept of Sovreign nations inside a nation work? It doesn't seem to be going very well so far. Can you have it both ways ? I really don't feel like giving the Black Hills back-ever. If I think about it, I am a native American. My ancestors came from some where else and so did theirs. This is a very divisive thing. There are no easy answers. If no one had signed any treaties, would the survivors just be Americans? One of the problems with freedom is the ability to have ideas that not everyone favors. Hence liberals and conservatives. The extremes seem to be getting all the attention and middle of the road folks cant seem to make either side budge. Give a man enough rope and he might hang himself. The lawyers seem to be doing fairly well though.
How does the concept of Sovreign nations inside a nation work? It doesn't seem to be going very well so far. Can you have it both ways ? I really don't feel like giving the Black Hills back-ever. If I think about it, I am a native American. My ancestors came from some where else and so did theirs. This is a very divisive thing. There are no easy answers. If no one had signed any treaties, would the survivors just be Americans? One of the problems with freedom is the ability to have ideas that not everyone favors. Hence liberals and conservatives. The extremes seem to be getting all the attention and middle of the road folks cant seem to make either side budge. Give a man enough rope and he might hang himself. The lawyers seem to be doing fairly well though.
The current state of affairs is quite a mess in my opinion. But as is the case with most matters of Native American affairs, one of the biggest reasons it was set up this way was for the white settlers. This legal framework left NA non-citizens and without a right to vote in federal elections until 1924. A benefit for the early white settlers at the time. But of course once there is any benefit for a tribe and any inconvenience for others we want to revisit it. A pattern repeated routinely over the last 150 yrs.
Absolutely just just don’t act like it was the white American man that was only perpetrator of slavery. Disingenuous.
Like so many things about America, we were not the first, but we “perfected” and industrialized it to a whole other level. I don’t think a single person on this thread has argued against the reality that slavery was a part of broad history, so not “disingenuous.” You are just making up a phony argument with yourself to somehow make the treatment of non-whites in the US for a few hundred years OK - or above criticism.

You seem to suggest if done in different ways at different times that makes it ok here, and that there are no degrees of the evil. As if punching a person in the nose is not different that beating that person into a coma with a lead pipe.

You ignore how much closer to modern times the US used it and that our (and the Brazilian and Caribbean) version was not incidental to a batch of prisoners of war, but rather an attempt at a permanent institution based solely on skin color.

I do not agree with the 1619 project that the US was formed for the purpose of slavery - it is not our defining origin. I believe pursuit of religious freedom, or at least protestant Christian religious freedom, set the stage for America. But after that, in the south there was an evil industrialization of chatel slavery and a clear culture formed on a basis of white supremacy. That it was for the whites to rule and the blacks to be soulless property. There can be no excuse for this ugly turn that a supposedly Christian nation took. I do not understand why this history is something to be denied, excused or minimized. I suppose for the same reasons Japanese students are not told about Pearl Harbor or the sex slaves of Korean. But I reject phony histories - whether offered by the simply ridiculous “lost cause narrative” or the excesses of the 1619 project.
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I know the Blackfeet are actively attempting to "recoup" their land from America's GNP.
They already have their cattle grazing East Glacier.
NPS / DOI don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Occasionally, a bit of "fence" here and there is repaired, ten feet from a 500' swath of torn down wire.

1855 treaty basically said NW MT was Blackfeet (generalized).
1895, Blackfeet sold their area for 1.5million. Corrupt Blackfeet and Gov officials worked the system and created the Blackfeet as "wards of the State".
1913, Blackfeet commissioner declared themselves, "Bankrupt".
1932, US District Court reviewed the content of the sale regarding their contention they can hunt, fish, gather, and carry out traditional practices on the land they sold and concluded, Blackfeet failed to establish the extent to which they used the "reserved privileges" from 1895 to 1910 and had therefore forfeited these rights.” the designation for GNP, as we know it, remains today.

An interesting history. While I'm friends with a BIA within MT, Blackfeet have run into internal corruption for a long while. Good Blackfeet found it a challenge to break through this internal political greed - such as:

An ugly history, hell bent on individual greed. Blackfeet have three times the aggravated crime rate of the 2nd highest reservation rate in MT.
Browning may have it's peaceful people, though it's one place to get gas before, drive through, and continue the drive.

Friends with some or not, there are challenges within the tribal community.

I shared this a couple years when a thread popped up about Browning. Want just a taste of life on the Blackfeet reservation? This article's a great read of perseverance and the extreme internal hardships faced by those breaking from the corruption and crime.

Interesting developments by a conservative leaning SCOTUS with Wyoming and Oklahoma tribal treaty disputes.

For chits n grins, as we all share opinions, the "Native Americans" should have been assimilated into America, as Americans. No reservations, no treaties, but hey, JMO. ;)
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I know the Blackfeet are actively attempting to "recoup" their land from America's GNP.
They already have their cattle grazing East Glacier.
NPS / DOI don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Occasionally, a bit of "fence" here and there is repaired, ten feet from a 500' swath of torn down wire.

1855 treaty basically said NW MT was Blackfeet (generalized).
1895, Blackfeet sold their area for 1.5million. Corrupt Blackfeet and Gov officials worked the system and created the Blackfeet as "wards of the State".
1913, Blackfeet commissioner declared themselves, "Bankrupt".
1932, US District Court reviewed the content of the sale regarding their contention they can hunt, fish, gather, and carry out traditional practices on the land they sold and concluded, Blackfeet failed to establish the extent to which they used the "reserved privileges" from 1895 to 1910 and had therefore forfeited these rights.” the designation for GNP, as we know it, remains today.

An interesting history. While I'm friends with a BIA within MT, Blackfeet have run into internal corruption for a long while. Good Blackfeet found it a challenge to break through this internal political greed - such as:

An ugly history, hell bent on individual greed. Blackfeet have three times the aggravated crime rate of the 2nd highest reservation rate in MT.
Browning may have it's peaceful people, though it's one place to get gas before, drive through, and continue the drive.

Friends with some or not, there are challenges within the tribal community.

I shared this a couple years when a thread popped up about Browning. Want just a taste of life on the Blackfeet reservation? This article's a great read of perseverance and the extreme internal hardships faced by those breaking from the corruption and crime.

Interesting developments by a conservative leaning SCOTUS with Wyoming and Oklahoma tribal treaty disputes.

For chits n grins, as we all share opinions, the "Native Americans" should have been assimilated into America, as Americans. No reservations, no treaties, but hey, JMO. ;)
Always interesting to watch you post.

You can question the reservations, tell everyone "native Americans", why the quotes? should assimilate, deny treaties....yet you throw a temper tantrum when it's pointed out you live in the skinhead, white supremacists hub of NW Montana.

Maybe there's a reason you lash out like you do every time it's mentioned.

Clean up your own backyard...let the reservations take care of theirs.
Always interesting to watch you post.

You can question the reservations, tell everyone "native Americans", why the quotes? should assimilate, deny treaties....yet you throw a temper tantrum when it's pointed out you live in the skinhead, white supremacists hub of NW Montana.

Maybe there's a reason you lash out like you do every time it's mentioned.

Clean up your own backyard...let the reservations take care of theirs.
Haha... #*^@#* you Buzz. Typical Buzz commentary.
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