Top 5 westerns

The Cowboys
The Sacketts
Quigley Down Under
Jeremiah Johnson

Honorable mentions:
The Man who shot Liberty Valence
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
3:10 to Yuma (Remake)
True Grit (Remake)
Wyatt Earp (Better than Tombstone in my opinion)
The Hallelujah Trail
Rustler's Rhapsody
1- Pretty much all of John Wayne’s
2- Pretty much all of Clint Eastwood’s
3- Sam Elliot - Conagher and the Sackett’s
4 - Lonesome Dove
5 - tie -Jimmy Stewart’s / Open Range
HM - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- Wyatt Earp and Tombstone
- Magnificent Seven
Now we’re talking… I personally grew up watching this list, with both my grandpa’s, my dad, and by myself! So I probably watch this list more than anyone alive, and watch them now with my kids!
Another Honorable mention is The Red Headed Stranger with Willie Nelson ,
Had it on VHS back in the day , it’s never been released on DVD that I can find

Also can’t believe I forgot

Little Big Man it’s a classic
Wow, some real revelations here.
1. I didn't know there were so many westerns
2. I also didn't know that every movie that has a cowboy hat qualifies as a western.
3. Apparently I'm like the only one that really enjoys exceptional horsemanship.

Butch and Sundance with an easy #1 (possible #1 all-time any genera)
Man from Snowy River I & II (one is a better movie, but 2 has the most impressive horse riding scene ever).
Quigley (com'on we all pretended to be Quigley at one point or another)
Blazing Saddles. Try to imagine that movie coming out today? Not possible.
Wind River was very good for Marlin levers.
It was good for a neo/western hell or highwater and sicarrio are better IMO. I was a little confused at what his actual job was a "government hunter"? Dude just rolled around on a snow mobile all day shooting alpha predators like a boss. In real life he'd have been filing paper work on those first coyotes he shot for the following 2 hours of run time.
It was good for a neo/western hell or highwater and sicarrio are better IMO. I was a little confused at what his actual job was a "government hunter"? Dude just rolled around on a snow mobile all day shooting alpha predators like a boss. In real life he'd have been filing paper work on those first coyotes he shot for the following 2 hours of run time.
As for neo, No Country/Cormac is the gold standard.
1) Lonesome Dove
2) Dances with wolves
3) Quigley down under
4) Jerimiah Johnson
6) Unforgiven
7) The good the bad & the ugly
8) Hostiles
9) 3:10 to Yuma
10) Josey Wales

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