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Top 5 westerns

Unforgiven - "Everyone's got it coming"
Outlaw Josey Wales- "Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms"
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly- "In this world there is two types of people. Those with loaded guns and those that dig. You dig."
The Man who Shot Liberty Valence- "This is the West sir, when the legend becomes fact, print the legend."
Tombstone- "You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe"

I don't know if it is a "western", but Jeremiah Johnson is great. "Were it worth the trouble"...."Ahhh, what trouble?"
Top five-

Coen brothers version of True Grit is probably the best ever Western in my opinion.

Brokeback Mountain has some of the best cinematography I've seen, and deserves credit for going out on a limb.

Jeremiah Johnson is the classic that I can never get tired of.

Open Range isn't anything fantastic compared to other modern westerns, but it really seemed to raise the bar and change Westerns forever, and every one made after that seemed to be a notch better because of it. I still remember being blown away by the scenery and final gunfight when I saw it in theaters.

Dead Man is a personal favorite of mine, but I don't expect many to enjoy it. I'm a big Jarmusch fan.

Two other movies I thought about but probably aren't top five-

Shane. Not an overly well done movie, but I love the story. Drive is a good movie that took the story from Shane and put it in a modern setting.

Ravenous. Ridiculously fun, over the top movie. The soundtrack is fantastic. Everyone with a sense of humor should watch it once.

Best Western short- All Gold Canyon from Buster Scruggs. The movie as a whole wasn't overly memorable for me, but that story is so great. Incredible scenery and Tom Waits killed it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely incredible story. I'm willing to bet that sitting through that story would change a lot of opinions about gaming.

The Ballad of Dood and Juanita needs to be on here also. Great 30 minute Western story.
I hadn't thought of Brokeback Mountain a western, but you are right. Also, it has an amazing soundtrack.
Tombstone- "You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe"

One of my favorite things to say to my sons, when they get the tiniest papercut or knee scrape and act like I need to take them to the ER, is, "You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?"
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but it has cowboy hats, revolvers, fights at high noon on the streets of a dusty dry town, batwing doors, spitoons, horse troughs, and epic romance!
I know but it just doesn't feel western. What makes a western a western could be a rabbit hole that could get a thread locked 🤣
Top five-

Coen brothers version of True Grit is probably the best ever Western in my opinion.

Brokeback Mountain has some of the best cinematography I've seen, and deserves credit for going out on a limb.

Jeremiah Johnson is the classic that I can never get tired of.

Open Range isn't anything fantastic compared to other modern westerns, but it really seemed to raise the bar and change Westerns forever, and every one made after that seemed to be a notch better because of it. I still remember being blown away by the scenery and final gunfight when I saw it in theaters.

Dead Man is a personal favorite of mine, but I don't expect many to enjoy it. I'm a big Jarmusch fan.

Two other movies I thought about but probably aren't top five-

Shane. Not an overly well done movie, but I love the story. Drive is a good movie that took the story from Shane and put it in a modern setting.

Ravenous. Ridiculously fun, over the top movie. The soundtrack is fantastic. Everyone with a sense of humor should watch it once.

Best Western short- All Gold Canyon from Buster Scruggs. The movie as a whole wasn't overly memorable for me, but that story is so great. Incredible scenery and Tom Waits killed it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely incredible story. I'm willing to bet that sitting through that story would change a lot of opinions about gaming.

The Ballad of Dood and Juanita needs to be on here also. Great 30 minute Western story.

Ravenous! I had forgotten about that one. It's a fun one.

We rented Ravenous and Seraphim Falls one weekend my during freshman year of college. 2 trippy movies back to back for us drunk 18 year olds... Both deserve a rewatch.
One of my favorite things to say to my sons, when they get the tiniest papercut or knee scrape and act like I need to take them to the ER, is, "You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?"
There is so many good quotes from that movie, it's just really, really good.
As for top 5:

1: Tombstone
2: The Outlaw Josey Wales
3: Jeremiah Johnson
4: Quigley
5: Open Range

The dog in my profile picture was Josie Wales. She was always sporting her outlaw bandana.

The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Silverado, True Grit (either), and Big Jake are also really high on my list. I could probably argue any of them into spots 3-5.

Honorable mention: Little Big Man. I'm not sure if I'd call it good, but it was a fun movie.
Open Range isn't anything fantastic compared to other modern westerns, but it really seemed to raise the bar and change Westerns forever, and every one made after that seemed to be a notch better because of it. I still remember being blown away by the scenery and final gunfight when I saw it in theaters.
It was great in the theater. Another seen that I remember was when Costner shot the mirror and sign in the bar with a shotgun. It seemed to rattle the whole theater.
I know but it just doesn't feel western. What makes a western a western could be a rabbit hole that could get a thread locked 🤣

what i was really doing, was trying to expose the cracks in the logic that if no country for old men can't be a western because of what "westerns are supposed to be" then by that logic we need BTF III on the western list.

it's to the letter ;)
what i was really doing, was trying to expose the cracks in the logic that if no country for old men can't be a western because of what "westerns are supposed to be" then by that logic we need BTF III on the western list.

it's to the letter ;)
Does Marty McFly play Johnny B Goode on a Gibson electric?
We had a Ravenous party at one point. Each one of us had our own bottle of red wine and about 30 ounces of barely cooked prime rib.

I haven't re-watched it in years, I need to.

Amazing. I vividly remember the shock on our faces when during the opening scene the blonde soldier is standing in the icy river screaming. My roommates and I looked at each other with an amazed "what are we getting into?" expression.

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