Time for hunters to make a stand

"spoor" - "The track or scent of an animal".... I think you meant to use the word "spawn". Obviously that description of JM77's family members is more accurate since the women in his family chose not to participate in the women's march. My guess is that JM77 forced them to stay home and make him sammiches since they are too weak minded to think for themselves.

I wonder if we'll hear the first amendment expressions that take place during the March for Life on this Friday celebrated like the viewpoints expressed during the Women's March? Although those marchers are notoriously bigoted and intolerant, believing that every human life is valuable and all that...

And I would forgive you too.

And hey big shot, anytime you want to come meet the women in my family, come ahead. You want to talk about me; fine. You want to talk about them; answer to them.
And I would forgive you too.

And hey big shot, anytime you want to come meet the women in my family, come ahead. You want to talk about me; fine. You want to talk about them; answer to them.

I'd leave them out of it. Personally, if I had some comments about what I'd seen on T.V. I wouldn't try and bolster it by dragging my family into it. In this case, with women, it almost sounds like "Some of my best friends are black and they agree with me." LOL!
You may think you are clever, but so does anyone who can't stick to the facts. Duck and dodge...

What facts did I not stick to? Any digression is of your own making. Again, don't duck and dodge by claiming you meant something figuratively when you called another out on a rhetorical point. It's either literal or it ain't. Choose your words more carefully and don't use "all" if you are going to make hay about a rhetorical point. You stand corrected.
Jose, if you are as passionate about affecting positive change as you claim to be, you would realize that this type of caricature of someone who disagrees with you on a particular issue ensures their opposition to whatever you promote in the future. I get the sense that for you it's not about bringing about good policy as you claim, but you get some type of personal satisfaction from thinking you are superior to those who disagree with you. Enjoy it now because it only alienates anyone who attempts to be objective about what constitutes serious issues.

As far as the Mexico City rule and repealing Obama Care... that sounds like progress to me. Why were our tax dollars funding abortions in foreign countries to begin with? Remodeling an unsustainable health care system sounds a lot more like sane policy than forcing the disaster that is the AFA down America's throat like the Dems did under President Obama.

Well said Gerald. Jose packs around an arrogance that usually detracts from any point he is trying to make. Typically he twists peoples words and belittles them, and it truly takes away from most of the good threads on here. I don't log in near as much any more simply because of the few guys like Jose. What once was a great community with a ton of knowledge and positive vibes has turned downhill over the last 4-6 months.
I'd be curious to have someone talk to this young lady and see who's been giving her information.

Probably parents. We've recently seen an example of how close fruit can fall to the tree. But no, "my" kid is an independent, analytical, critical thinker. It makes no never mind that she agrees with me.
And I would forgive you too.

And hey big shot, anytime you want to come meet the women in my family, come ahead. You want to talk about me; fine. You want to talk about them; answer to them.

:) Peace man. My sarcasm evidently didn't come through as intended. It was directed at those who don't understand that women who didn't march are not doormats without legitimate opinions.
You are missing the point. A question was asked about the purpose of the marches (earlier) and how women have been affected (more recently). It matters naught whether the women were right or not; the answer to the question was provided. Millions of women marched, and perceive their interests to have been affected because of the reasons stated. They may be right or wrong, and you may agree with them or disagree with them, but nevertheless, there was a reason for the marches and rights were perceived to have been affected. How you feel about the merits of their case, and how they feel about it is, for the purposes of this discussion, irrelevant.

As to alternative and more effective methods of changing minds, I agree with you. However, when people insist on chasing rabbits, it won't necessarily get them back on track by pointing out their errors in reasoning. Rather, you end up being marginalized as an "elitist."

So, "in your face" doesn't work. Neither does reason. That's because you can't fix stupid. The alternative is to stand down, cede the floor and let stupid rule the day in the hopes that they might eventually rue it. The latter is not an option when you and yours end up paying the price too.

Sometimes John Brown is right to push things off the fence. I don't want to see it but damn, the fact we are headed that direction has nothing to do with the left, and a perceived failure to properly educate those who have to learn the hard way.

If you have a better way of teaching, I just thought I'd point out that apparently it's not working. People are still voting for the party of PLT.

Then why don't we stick to debating the merits of an issue instead of resorting to insults? IMO, the real issues that the women's march seeks to address are undermined by those who seek to provoke reaction by dressing as genetilia. If I were a woman at that march, I would be very upset at having Madonna be a spokesperson for my cause. If you see a speaker during the March for Life rally on Fri. articulating a fantasy of blowing up abortion clinics you would rightly point out the outrageous nature of his rhetoric. And, you would see a general denouncement of his views regardless of how passionate other pro-lifers are about their cause.

Don't get distracted by the rabbit trails. The reality of where we are at politically and ideologically at odds as a nation is because there has not been a general forum for honest discourse about hot button issues over the past several generations. The Trump presidency is about people who have felt mocked and ridiculed for having non politically correct viewpoints finally saying enough is enough. To be sure there are enough racists and bigots in his supporters to give his opponents plenty of fodder for resistance and ridicule.

Picking the low hanging fruit and generalizing everyone who disagrees with you by branding them with the most outrageous example you can find is not going to bring about good for anyone. It only ensures the pendulum of power swings even more wildly in the future and more radical and polarizing decisions are forced through by executive action. Trump's decisions will foster outrage by his opponents. The momentum of that outrage ensures a liberal candidate wins the next election. They double down on their agenda ensuring that outrage to their policies bring an election of right wing candidates....
Don't get distracted by the rabbit trails.

I can't say as I disagree with most of what you said, but it's mostly rabbits. The whole thing about women, etc. is not on the merits of "Time for hunters to make a stand." My point was simply that a question was asked and answered. To take off on ancillary issues related to that answer is off topic and taking us in yet another direction. For instance, I support aborting all fetus'. I didn't want to go down that road with you so, rather than challenging your opinion on the matter, or even sharing mine, I simply pointed out that your opinion was irrelevant to the question asked and answered. That's all.
Yes, give Trump some time. He has been in office for less than a week. He appears to be working on the issues that were forefront in his campaign. You remember his campaign don't you Jose'. That's the one that sent a message to middle America, was received by middle America, and mobilized middle America to vote him in as President of the United States. Middle America - the folks who get up and go to work every day, and are tired of the liberals handing out $$ like it is candy.
Some folks again showing they find it worth ruining valuable debate for the sake of trying to be the smartest guy on the forum.

If this chit continues, I might start a "SURVIVOR: Hunt Talk" thread. I'd start a poll where members get to vote which member's behavior is the most corrosive and destructive to beneficial dialogue the majority are trying to have. Then, we have another poll that determines how long that person is gone from "Hunt Talk Island."

I find it a bit ironic that the OP is calling for unity among sportsmen and for us to rally behind a line in the sand. It took less that 50 posts to get everyone pissed off and at each others throats. If you have time to bitch and moan at each other then you have time to contact your state's representative. While you folks were arguing and berating one another over semantics, Representative Chaffetz of Utah introduced H.R. 621 this morning that would:

" direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain Federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, previously identified as suitable for disposal, and for other purposes."

So, quit wining and be productive before we all lose what we cherish so much.
Yes, give Trump some time. He has been in office for less than a week. He appears to be working on the issues that were forefront in his campaign. You remember his campaign don't you Jose'. That's the one that sent a message to middle America, was received by middle America, and mobilized middle America to vote him in as President of the United States. Middle America - the folks who get up and go to work every day, and are tired of the liberals handing out $$ like it is candy.

Opposition to liberals handing out money is not the way I read the Middle American support for Trump. I saw it as a populist uprising against power in bed with the banksters and the 1%. That is a non-partisan position that Trump and Sanders were in agreement on. Funny how Trump's populist speech *after* inauguration was limited to bashing Washington and left the banksters and the 1% (the owners of Washington), out of his ire.
I find it a bit ironic that the OP is calling for unity among sportsmen and for us to rally behind a line in the sand. It took less that 50 posts to get everyone pissed off and at each others throats. If you have time to bitch and moan at each other then you have time to contact your state's representative. While you folks were arguing and berating one another over semantics, Representative Chaffetz of Utah introduced H.R. 621 this morning that would:

" direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain Federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, previously identified as suitable for disposal, and for other purposes."

So, quit wining and be productive before we all lose what we cherish so much.

There has been another thread on the stupid legislation that Jason Chaffetz, perhaps the biggest coward in DC, introduced.

Before this one gets locked, as if we need other reasons for standing up to Trump.

One word comes to mind, pathetic.

It is going to be very interesting to see how far Pres. Trumps investigation into voter fraud goes and just what we learn from it. My best guess is that he's correct in fraudulent voters. I realize there are a good handful of you on here who do not care and would vote for Satan himself if he had a "D" after his name.
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