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Tikka T1x Multi Task Rimfire .22LR


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2014
Chicago Area
Back in November I went out to Nebraska from Chicago to deer hunt and made my usual rest stop in Coralville, IA at Scheels to pick up some ammo and stretch my legs for a bit. To my surprise, when I perused the rimfire rifle rack they had two Tikka T1xs on the shelf, one in .17HMR and one in .22LR. As every online stock alert I had set up for these rifles hadn't notified me yet, I was amazed to see one in person. After a couple minutes of deliberating and some texts back and forth with my hunting buddy for encouragement I bought a .22LR model and eagerly awaited picking it up on my return trip home. After getting back home it was almost a month before I could get out with it. My free time and decent weather finally lined up and allowed me to take the new Tikka T1X out for its first range trip this weekend. This is going to be almost purely a small game rifle for squirrels and rabbits and the like. I needed something lighter, more balanced and easier to grip than my laminate stocked heavy barreled Savage MkII-BV - which is a great shooting rifle albeit a chore to carry around. I settled on a Burris Fullfield E1 2-7x35mm for the T1X, though I may change that in the future - the reticle is very fine and somewhat difficult to see depending on the background. We'll see, though.

Tikka T1X Range day by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Tikka T1X Range Day by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Tikka T1X Range day by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Tikka T1X Range day by charliebravo77, on Flickr

I shot it side-by-side with my MkII and the groups were nearly identical. Though the T1X's semi-heavy barrel isn't quite as thick as the MkII, the T1X has a much nicer trigger. I think I will get a Boyd's At-One for the MkII and dedicate it to precision range use. I tested out both rifles with CCI Standard Velocity, CCI Mini-mags, CCI Velocitor, Eley/Rem Target and Eley/Rem Club. I was in a hurry as light was fading and I really only needed to see a level of accuracy that would ensure a dead squirrel at 25-30 yards (25yds is what this target was at) so the groups probably aren't the absolute best from either gun, but I am perfectly pleased with to see the T1X is more than accurate enough for hunting.

Tikka T1X Range day by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Took the it out to the woods the next morning. Squirrels were uncooperative.

Tikka T1X Hunting by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Tikka T1X Hunting by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Tikka T1X Hunting by charliebravo77, on Flickr

Tikka T1X Hunting by charliebravo77, on Flickr

It's right at home in the woods. Points very well, carries nicely, not too heavy but enough weight that it's stable when you settle into a tree trunk to take aim. Looking forward to getting out again with it soon.
This is on my buy list, just waiting for one to come in stock. Thanks for posting!
Very nice!! I'm thinking I'd like one of those myself in the not too distant future...
Old thread, but having one myself, I've come away from this post with two thoughts:

1. It is a sweet rifle. So much fun to shoot. My 30-06 is a Tikka and having both rifles feel so similar is nice.
2. You take very, very nice photographs! What camera do you use?
I'm a Tikka fan too, but have yet to throw down the cash for one of these. That said.... I need a bolt .22. lol
I got one of these rifles in 17 HMR as soon as they came out. Extremely accurate gun.

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