Three kids & a dog

My ex's daughter painted my toenails before I went hunting one year. We tagged out that year. Had her paint them before we left each year until her mom and I went our separate ways. After seeing that moose I would say painted nails work in Alaska too!!! (Go ahead judge me, I'm a sucker when little ones ask dad to do something.)
Worked for us Big Time!
Looks like a great trip! Lots of water this year for sure.

Do you ever have any issues with that front break getting banged up? Always interesting to see guys setups.
I can drive over a 5 gallon bucket & some. Watch where we go. It's a crawler
Woke up to a misty wet day. The plan was to build a meat pole. That got delayed. A bull was spotted on the same hillside the boys chased a moose earlier in the trip. Geared up, each with a rifle, off to cross the drainage. Sure enough the rain picked up. I moved under the tarp, by the cook station. I could still see the bull through my scope. Then again, the ceiling dropped. Good time for some coffee & Baileys. They must be getting soaked.
After awhile, I could see again. Could not find that bull. Scanning the hill side for several minutes, I found the boys. Hard to spot in camo. They were glassing back the way they hiked. There was some hand pointing and they moved to another position. Wiping rain from glass, a day pack gets thrown down, more wiping of rifle scope. They had found the bull walking away. A cow call stopped him, and he turned broadside, then began raking brush. It's raining, but I see them. Thinking this must be a long shot, and three are let loose in the next few moments.
moose men.JPG
Bull down 330 yards behind on hill side. A bit far for the young hunter. His time will come.
As he lay.JPGAs he_lay.JPG
Skin Moose.JPG
How can it be work? If it's fun!
Kid's say skinning moose is FUN!
Skin_Moose.JPGSkin Moose1.JPGSkin Moose2.JPGSkin Moose3.JPG
They handled most of the second one. Then I was asked "can we have steak tonight?"

Cooking up tenderloin with salt. pepper, garlic, in butter. Tortellini with carrot & onion on the wood stove.
camp moose steak.JPGwoodstove cooking.JPGcamp_moose steak.JPG
Could not bring it to them fast enough!
What a great thread, and consistent from year to year!

The backcountry repair you guys had to do last year (I think?) really intrigued me. I think if one was to have trouble in the backcountry of any kind @BearFoot and company would be the kind of people you would want to have along.

Edit- A thread on the technical aspects of those buggies would be something I'd read with interest.
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Always love your trip reports and pics! You’re raising kids right! Appreciate you taking the time to share your adventures.
Proof that if you want to bad enough, you can do whatever you set your mind to.

Love the way you include your family in this adventure. Also love the ways you leverage your strengths with the Mechanical and Fabrication skills you have.
Forecast for the next day was rain. Woke up to this.
Extended the front porch to get some work done.
tarp.JPGantlers.JPGmoose head.JPG
Following day is awesome, loaded up and headed for the highway.
sunrise.JPGtundra buggy.JPGtundra_buggy.JPG
Close to the parking lot, partner riding shotgun says "I just realized that no one got stuck this trip!"
Me five minutes later.
Stuck moose buggy.JPG
Party time again! Moose taco meat burritos.
Hunt party.JPG
Woke up to some more of this.
moose wagon.JPG
A great hunt trip! I'm blessed and so grateful to have a son as a best friend. Sharing what I've learned over the years, and the grand kids thinking "this is what we do!" Normal stuff.
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