Thoughts on this bailout and “stimulus”?

I’d like to see a list of all the pork in this bill with each responsible senator’s name next to it. This thing is ridiculous, and the fed is printing money like there’s no tomorrow. Inflation is coming soon and very high taxes are coming at some point later.
Hell the ink is not even dry and they are talking about another bill. Must be to cover all the other donors they couldn't get in the first three. This is getting sad they are spending money like drunken sailors. We are getting robbed and will have to pay for this spending
It's total BS. They just gave away $4.4 Trilllion to companies/entites that are solvent. $14 T total recently will fly away .....
They are throwing crumbs @ US with a maybe someday $
Good Luck & Good Hunting! LOL
On a positive note, staffers bloomberg recently kicked to the curb can now draw unemployment for at least 4 months!
Along with another $600 a week on top of what they get from the state.
Big farming and ranching came out on top, so did the corporate/ defense partnership, insurance as well. All in all the corporate hegemony scored a huge win as usual. Look for that money to kick back to the political establishment in form of campaign funding, family jobs and information for market scores.
In the name of sanity, I took the kids south a dozen miles to pick up a to-go order from a local restaurant. The owner said even with to-go orders, business is down over 90% and he laid everyone off.

If in this stimulus package, like ones before it, the bigwigs within these industries get their bonuses this year, or hell, even get paid their 6 and 7 figure salaries to pad their 7 or 8 figure bank accounts, well that's f%cked. I think a good argument could be made that preceding this event there was a significant rate of disenfranchisement in the youth of this country. As terrible as the ruin of our economy is, how people will respond is just as frightening. I could see misguided decisions being made, but can you blame them?

A guy can serve his country, work hard to run a small town restaurant and approach financial ruin at the hands of something entirely out of his control. As bad as that is, it isn't inherently bad, because the world is indifferent. That's just life. But for those who don't need a damn thing to come out of this smelling like a rose, that's not an indifferent game, that's a rigged one.

"Now won't you tell me if you can
'Cause life's so hard to understand
Why's the rich man busy dancing

While the poor man pays the band "
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I've seen conservative memes going around parroting this logic, and I know it is oversimplified, but I'll be honest, I have tough time arguing against it. At the very least it sets perspective on how much F'ing money 2 trillion dollars is.

Of the 2 Trillion, 300 billion is being allocated to individuals as cash payments. What does $1200 do for someone who is out of work for a month or more with an uncertain future? Probably not much. If you have kids, the money may mean even less respectively.

There are 330 million Americans out there.

2,000,000,000,000/ 330,000,000 = 6,060. Imagine if every American got 6,060$. I'm not even arguing for this bill.As has been said above, there is no such thing as free money. I'm just pointing out the obvious. It sure seems like this bill throws a bone to those who need it most and gives the steak to those who don't.

Imagine if a single mother of 2, who is now out of a job, and likely out of childcare, got 6 grand for herself and each American she cares for. I think the economic woes of real people would be wildly alleviated. Not corporations who are "people", real people.

I'll repeat again I am not for this bill particularly. We can't afford it. But I'll elucidate for my own situation. I have 3 kids and am married. If this money were allocated to all Americans evenly, that would be $35,000 coming to our household. Instead we will get 3,900. The scenario that is happening is 11% of the other hypothetical scenario for a family of 5. Who's this bill really for?

Yes, I know I oversimplified it, and yes, I know this bill does other things for business owners, but it's hard not to think the simplified even-distribution scenario would be a far more utilitarian one.
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Any thoughts on airline *stimulus?

This is an interesting portion... Loan w/ interest, or merely collateral eventually offset by the repayment of loan in a sense?
— The federal government may require an equity stake in the companies as collateral for the loans.

Whether they like this or not, I believe both of these are valuable for our economy:
— The airlines must maintain service to all the destinations they served on March 1, 2020, through March 1, 2022, which could mean continuing to fly empty or near-empty planes.

— Recipients of the loans must maintain March 24, 2020, employment levels "to the extent practicable" and under no circumstance can they cut more than 10% of the company's workforce.

Oh, no buyback/dividends. I worry the dividend is an overstep maybe a % limited w/ respect to recovered % of loan vs loss/gain, though the buyback is understandable, all *greed considering...

@Nameless Range I'm not saying it's great (overall stimulus) though to simply give people money, imo does not address the long term picture. It's the old "give a fish, feed a day, teach to fish, feed a lifetime."

From my perspective the $ provided to business assist for resumption of employment is key to our economy, as presented in the airline package. Maintain employment w/o a loss greater than 10%.

They took the steak from families of $150k or more.
Also, deferred payments w/ banks, etc is in everyone's interest.
Meh, not arguing, merely sharing an opinion. Agree from both perspectives, oversimplified.
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