Yeti GOBOX Collection

Thompson Center Cheap Shots

Just for practice. They actually shot pretty well.

I also got a bulk box of Barry's bullets and crush rib sabots for cheap practice.
I bought my first muzzleloader and used a bunch of those Cheap Shot sabots to get the hang of it. They shoot pretty well and the price is certainly right for plinking targets.
I'd bet money those are made by Hornady and are the plinking replacement of the XTP. I am shooting the XTP this year and used a box of those all lead plinkers to get sighted in as I changed scope and load on my gun this year. The ones I had I picked up at Wally World packed under the Traditions label. I noticed they went down the barrel comparatively easy. They grouped ok. When I switched to the jacketed XTP I did have a noticeable change in point of impact and groups were much better.