Thinking of switching from fixed blade to mechanical broadheads


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2021
Looking for input on the best 125 gr mechanical broadhead. I hunted Kudu fixed blade last year with good results (got two antelope and a whitetail) but wanting to go to something that leaves a much bigger hole and blood trail. Anyone have anything that they absolutely love?
I've shot mechanicals before. Still on the fence. Usually do a fixed three blade or the replaceable three blade. It comes down to preference like anything else. Like ROGERTHAT says stay of the shoulder. The Rages do from what I've been told. The Rage practice mechanicals fly like the hunting mechanicals didn't have a deployment issue on either one
I have shot a lot of mechanicals over the years. Last year I switched to a heavy arrow setup in preparation for an elk hunt and was shooting 1-3/8 grim reaper. Ended up shooting a whitetail back in Michigan that was quartering towards me and it was the most impressive archery kill I have had in my life. They work!
Stay on your side of the fence. Mechanicals are not worth it imho .
I'd have to agree. I've shot both back and forth for years. As much hate as the rage gets they work pretty well. At the end of the day I've never had a well placed shot fail me but I have had mechanicals fail. Can't justify another variable in place I've switched back to fixed and have no plans of going back.
to further elaborate on my switch to NAP spitfires, I shot muzzy 125 grains for about 35 years. When I got my new bow i just couldn't seem to get them to group consistently no matter how much I tuned. I even had the archery shop try it. I only switched to the mechanicals due to accuracy, not because of terminal performance. I would have stuck with the muzzy's had they grouped better.
Never had a pass through with mechanicals but the wound was always so big it didn’t matter. Usually have both in my quiver, slick tricks or thunderheads for the close shots and mechanical for the long shot.
I've been shooting magnus stingers with bleeders. Got a pass thru on my pronghorn at 45 yards. And got punched all the way thru to the skin on the other side at 72 yards on my muley. Both died in less than 5 minutes of being shot. I've had both good and bad experiences with a rage. The bad experiences is why I went to fixed. I did buy some severs cause I wasn't sure how my magnus would shoot at 60 and 70 yards but they shoot so well out of my bow, just as good as field points. That now I don't really need the sever's. Sever is definitely built alot better than a rage and sharper
Killed a bunch of Bulls with the NAP Spitfire. I'll use the hunting partners new Smith Brothers fixed head this year.
I'm anti-mechanical...keep it simple and keep them sharp (sharpen your own straight from box). Less moving parts, no relying on burning up arrow energy getting blades to deploy, and less issue if you hit a heavy bone and broadhead just sticking.

That being said if you're someone who sometimes shoots a little bit back (center punch or sometimes gets a liver) then mechanical may be the way to go assuming you're shooting them fast enough or heavy enough. Based on only reading forums, Sevr are the mechanical of choice.
I've shot several whitetails and 2 elk with Rage hypodermic, they've never let me down.
I’d like to give those Evolution hybrids a try. Anybody have experience with those?
For deer, I use Rage Hypodermic. Used the older ones before that. I have yet to have a failure and have taken 15 or 20 deer with them, maybe a few more. My cousin who I have hunted with a great deal, switched from Rage to Grim Reaper several years ago. He has killed several handfuls of deer with them and has had one failure with a Rage and none with a Grim Reaper. The Rage failure was user error.

When I go after elk, hopefully one day soon, I will be using fixed based on online research and talking with experienced elk hunters.
Rage bounced off the rib of a doe slightly quartering away at fifteen yards. Failed to penetrate. Arrow just laying on top of the ground afterwards. Buddy killed the doe a few weeks later. She had a spot where I hit her.
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