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Thinking of buying an O/A shotgun


Sep 26, 2019
I've been eyeing O/A shotguns for a while now for quail and dove. I love the look of them, and while the old pump works just fine in the field I think there is something classic about using one in the field.

Do any of you have suggestions on what to buy? They seem more expensive and unfortunately money is a bit tight right now. The cheaper ones seem to have bad reviews, but anything with good reviews I've found run in the 2k range which is out of my reach.

Is there any O/A around the $600-$800 range that would be a reliable field gun?
Browning citori. New. 20.

Why get off in Minneapolis when your going to Chicago
Thats what I have been thinking, I think ill have to wait for a sale though. Do you happen to know what a good sale price would be? Like the "you gotta bite at this price" sale?
If that's what your thinking then if you find a 20 1500 in great condition...... you better tell me where it is.... and buy a different one😁
I have a CZ Woodcock I bought a couple years ago and I am really liking that shotgun. I've always wanted an over-under and have enjoyed this shotgun a lot. I've used it to hunt pheasants, quail, and ducks and it's been a joy to hunt with. I want to say it was about $600.00.

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Lots of good ones on the market. I have stacked lots of ducks, geese, and pheasants with a Beretta Whitewing.
In that 600 to 800 price range the only thing I would consider is a CZ or something from a higher price point that is used.
A couple of things I like for upland game:

Rear tang safety, faster shots than trigger guard safety

Lightweight, makes hiking miles easier
I've probably spent enough money on raffle tickets at MN Waterfowl Association banquets for the "upland package", that includes a new Citori, to have gone out and bought 3. The Red Label is a pretty well balanced O/U as well, but I've had my issues with Ruger in the past.
When it comes to a shotgun, it is all about how it fits you. Every gun is different, as is every person. I love my buddy's Citori, but it doesn't fit me well. On the other hand, my Beretta 686 Onyx fits me like a glove. This makes shooting it a whole lot more enjoyable and improves my hit to shot ratio as well. Get out to a shop and shoulder a few. The gun will let you know when you have a winner.
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When it comes to a shotgun, it is all about how it fits you. Every gun is different, as is every person. I love my buddy's Citori, but it doesn't fit me well. On the other hand, my Beretta 686 Onyx fits me like a glove. This makes shooting it a whole lot more enjoyable and improves my hit to shot ratio as well.

686 Onyx is exactly what I have. Agree with the fits like a glove part.

OP, even used, the 686 may be slightly out of your budget, but if it were me, I'd honestly consider saving up an extra few hundred quid and finding a clean, used Beretta O/U.
When it comes to guns, I’m more of a “buy once, cry once” mindset. A good O/U will last you a lifetime and retain it’s value. Citori gets great reviews, but I opted for the Franchi Instinct LX. It’s a beautiful gun with some really nice artwork on the action, and is a real shooter. Can be had for under $1500. I think you can get the non-LX version without artwork for around $1100-1200.
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