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Things that are just Sins with wild game meat.

For me old freezer meat has been the result of a lack of processing the meat into easily usable portions. If I have anything that makes it over a year its going to be unboned shoulders or large roasts. 1lb grind packages and precut packs of steaks never make it over a year In my freezer. This year I cooked down my bone in shoulders into smaller packs of taco seasoned meat as well as meat for bbq sandwiches. Just looked in the chest freezer the other day and its pretty well all gone. November cant get here fast enough.
This is a Sin???
In my book, deboning is a sin. First, bones are food. You can make excellent stock and eat the marrow too. Also much prefer to hang meat on the bone in cold storage for a week or so before butchering. This allows the meat to relax and become more tender.
In my book, deboning is a sin. First, bones are food. You can make excellent stock and eat the marrow too. Also much prefer to hang meat on the bone in cold storage for a week or so before butchering. This allows the meat to relax and become more tender.
Fair enough. I do debone most everything where it lay though. Mother earth is grateful for the bones.

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