Yeti GOBOX Collection

Things found while hunting!!

found a hunter we nick named bugle boy repetedly last year. for a month staight every time i called we got the most awsome sounding bugle back.
it was bugle boy he bugled every 2 min all day on the same little ridge
when the elk would hear him they would take thair cows and leave.
he sounded bigger than any elk on the mountan.
i dont think he ever did get his elk but he sure trained alot of them.
Jose' Cueervo, 1 day you may find yourself looking down the muzzle end of a gun belonging to the owner of those spark plug wires, not a wise move.

I find all kinds of stuff from critters, to knives, packs, binos....., and guys laying on the ground with big knots on the backs of their heads and my spark plug wire from my ATV in their hand (who knows what they were thinking laying around like that).
I found a pair of Binos,and one hunting season I found a 7mm rem mag and a 300 Winchester Mag. laying next to a tree.I put a add in the paper but no takers,sherrif depertment said I could keep'em cause no one claimed them after the 90 day wating period.Probaly had to do with where they shot the elk,they wern't suposed to be there.Oh best one of all I found my wife while hunting the Bob Marshall,met her up by the North Fork, married the year latter.
Been 9 years last monday.
I found leftovers from idiots in the woods making meth (here in Iowa):mad:
I found a knife that I lost a previous year (cleaned up nice!):)
I found really big footprints in WA state (ok, I'll just say it.....either a really really big man walking around the woods barefoot in snow, or ...............................................................BIGFOOT!):confused:
just the usual... about 20-30 illegal immigrants crossing the southern Az mountains, drug drop points with the cut open burlap make shift back packs, oh and don't forget the hundreds of tons, yes tons, of trash they all leave behind on thier way to pick vegatables for $50 an hour... |oo
