Things dogs eat …


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2019
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA
I love my dog, but this morning we were not on good terms. Walked into the room where I have all my stuff laid out for my upcoming hunt and find her chewing on the hand turned African Rosewood elk call that my good friend and hunting buddy made and gave to me as a Christmas present. 🤬😡😤 Took me all morning to let it go.

What’s the worst or most sentimental thing your dog thought was a chew toy?
Ouch, that had to suck.

So far, our dogs have avoided things of sentimental value. But our springer has a liking for cardboard, in particular the tube out of a roll of toilet paper. Not sure how he does it, but he will pull the tube out with minimal damage to the paper.
My Lab loves to chew the skid marks out of my grandson's underwear. She steals them and hides under the bed to do the dirty deed ... very dirty.

When my eleven year-old Fr Britt was a puppy, she chewed up my daughter's passport. Somewhere I have a photo of her next to the damaged goods with that "Who me?" look.
Have your buddy make another elk call. That one will remain a keepsake long after your dog has gone to heaven. Four different dogs have chewed on the shifter in my 1998 Jimmy. Two are still with me. I think of late great Opal and Pearl often when I feel that roughed up leather in the palm of my hand. I have replaced all the seat belts in that rig four times. Ellie got her nose through the barricade a few weeks ago and tore up another one. At age seven you'd think she'd have outgrown that crap by now. But she'll never grow up. Not a bad thing I guess. Keeps me young too.

Actually, is there any reason why that call won't still work? Gives it some more memorable character if it's still operational.
My son's lab never saw underwear, socks dirtier the better that wasn't promptly eaten, trip to vet. Dryer sheets were doggie breath sheets. Pine cones maybe close. Freaking dog ate anything and everything. Ok why did he just like to eat rabbit heads? He would run them down in yard and lickity split tear head off and gulp! He passed few years ago from Addisons Disease but you hated to get licked if you know what I mean!
My 15 month old lab has never chewed on anything she shouldn’t have.
Our 8 year old boxer only had one accident that involved a Santa Clause that looked a lot like a stuffed toy meet its end when our boxer was 2.
The wall.

Two ice fishing poles, a tip up, 2 pairs of ice cleats.

An entire frozen pheasant.

My fire boots.

2 pairs of flip flops.

An ornamental tree in the mud room.

I’m sure there was more. All this before she was 2. Luckily it was a phase. Nowadays, we can leave her in the garage with the entire leftover spread from Thanksgiving on top of the freezer and she won’t touch a thing.
The wall.

Two ice fishing poles, a tip up, 2 pairs of ice cleats.

An entire frozen pheasant.

My fire boots.

2 pairs of flip flops.

An ornamental tree in the mud room.

I’m sure there was more. All this before she was 2. Luckily it was a phase. Nowadays, we can leave her in the garage with the entire leftover spread from Thanksgiving on top of the freezer and she won’t touch a thing.
That's funny. Gus used to chew holes in the wall as well. I turned out to be much cheaper and easier to fix than all the other stuff. Still, he was the chew champ until Fynn came along. Now a dozen pair of footware are gone, a half dozen pillows, leather arm chair, countless knickknacks, and it crowning achievement, the interior of a 2020 Ford Escape. He is a sweetheart, however. He gets away with murder...
My dog has never been much for a chewer. One time chewed the edge of my boots a bit. He used to never bother the garbage, then woukd knock it over to lick up blood in meat packages and now tips it over every chance he gets even if it’s empty. He now is outside or locked behind a baby gate when we are gone and garbage sits atop the portable dish washer. I thought they are supposed to outgrow this not grow into it lol
My son's lab never saw underwear, socks dirtier the better that wasn't promptly eaten, trip to vet. Dryer sheets were doggie breath sheets. Pine cones maybe close. Freaking dog ate anything and everything. Ok why did he just like to eat rabbit heads? He would run them down in yard and lickity split tear head off and gulp! He passed few years ago from Addisons Disease but you hated to get licked if you know what I mean!
Yeah, I know what you mean. Ellie loves to snack on frozen dog turds during the winter (never the fresh stuff ... go figure). And she is a kisser. Oh well. No pain no gain.20210125_112007.jpg
My wife's yorkie chewed on the UPS driver's ankle. Luckily it wasn't bad, and he still brings me my Amazon packages.

When I was in my teens, I had a dog that chewed the life out of my ferret.
Recently in South Africa I observed my lodge's now retired blood tracking Jack Russell cross suddenly roll over on his back, legs in the air.
Me: "What's he doing? Playing dead for a treat?"
PH: "OH no!"
[The lodge's current blood tracker Butch wanders over and proceeds to lick Max's weiner.]
Me: "Interesting. I wonder ..."
PH: "Don't even think about it!"
One of several management animals I culled at my PH's property. Butch was along but not needed.
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My setter found a weed gummy not long ago while passing by a campsite on a trail where local s(k)ids like to party. Thankfully my buddies pointerdoodle found one in the south hills last fall so I was aware of the symptoms. He went for a good ride for 12 hours. Back to normal 48 hours later, don't think he enjoyed the ride.
pair of chacos was really the worst thing so far.
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