Yeti GOBOX Collection

Things dogs eat …

The wife used to buy these small little picket fences to try & keep the dogs out of her flower beds. After the 10th one ended up at toothpicks, I asked her why she thought the dogs would change their behavior instead of just eating the news ones?

As I said this, the dog tore apart a new one and promptly ate it.
My Lab loves to chew the skid marks out of my grandson's underwear. She steals them and hides under the bed to do the dirty deed ... very dirty.

When my eleven year-old Fr Britt was a puppy, she chewed up my daughter's passport. Somewhere I have a photo of her next to the damaged goods with that "Who me?" look.
When I was growing up we had a couple of dogs who would clean up after you if you had to go when away from the house.
Ouch, that had to suck.

So far, our dogs have avoided things of sentimental value. But our springer has a liking for cardboard, in particular the tube out of a roll of toilet paper. Not sure how he does it, but he will pull the tube out with minimal damage to the paper.
We inherited a dog who once ate a partial roll of TP. No other explanation for its absence. When I take her walking she will eat leaves off of bushes. We have a mattress protector on her bed and lately she's been eating plastic from it.
My dog swallowed a mini tennis ball last year. Not sure how he did but $900 surgery to get it removed. The vet posted the video of them popping it out so that was kind of neat.
My dog swallowed a mini tennis ball last year. Not sure how he did but $900 surgery to get it removed. The vet posted the video of them popping it out so that was kind of neat.
When my dog ate my sister-in-law's tampon it cost me almost $3k.
We now have garbage cans with lids in the bathroom.
When my dog ate my sister-in-law's tampon it cost me almost $3k.
We now have garbage cans with lids in the bathroom.
One cut into the abdomen, one into the stomach. Stitch him up. They said if it made it to his intestines it would immediately cost almost $2k...made $900 easier to swallow.
One cut into the abdomen, one into the stomach. Stitch him up. They said if it made it to his intestines it would immediately cost almost $2k...made $900 easier to swallow.
ahhh, that makes sense. My prize made it through the small intestine and blocked before entering the large intestine. He said if it would have made it through that junction he would have passed it himself.
ahhh, that makes sense. My prize made it through the small intestine and blocked before entering the large intestine. He said if it would have made it through that junction he would have passed it himself.
My wife said I should have kept the ball and displayed it as expensive abstract art.
My dog will tip over garbage even when there's nothing edible in it. And she won't eat inedible stuff. She just likes to tip the bins over and strew their contents all over the room. Now all the garbage bins are inside cabinets. I suppose I should count myself lucky.

She does grab mouthfuls of dirt when she's feeling playful. Then she gets annoyed by the grit in her teeth and stands there "flossing" (chewing on her front leg) for a while. Then she'll go do the same exact thing a minute later.
My cavalier King Charles spaniel likes to eat old dry cat shit. If it’s there, he will find it, and fast.
Honestly if he’d use those tracking skills for birds, he’d be a decent bird dog.
My cavalier King Charles spaniel likes to eat old dry cat shit. If it’s there, he will find it, and fast.
Honestly if he’d use those tracking skills for birds, he’d be a decent bird dog.
Oh yeah I did forget about that. Cat shit is my dog's favorite food. I get so annoyed by the dang neighbor cats shitting all over my yard (and vegetable garden) and then having to clean it out so my dog doesn't eat it. Outdoor cats are a scourge. In multiple ways.
On a recent trip to ND, I caught ours sniffing out a treat of very fresh and surprisingly runny deer feces. Yelled at her to knock it off and she proceeded to stare me right in the eyes and roll in it instead. Turns out the worst part about Chocolate Labs is the inability to visualize all of the shit particles while washing them out.
My GSP completely shredded my "Open Season" novel I got as a tip from C.J. Box. It was complete with a personalized note and autograph from C.J. Box after the first time I guided him and his daughters on the N Platte in Saratoga.
Thankfully, he came up again later that summer (2003) and gave me a personalized, autographed copy of "Savage Run" after our trip.
My previous black lab chewed on the stock of my Browning Citori. Current one (18mo) chewed one pair of sneakers so far.
My now wife made the mistake when we were dating of buying one of those god awful cooked bones from the store when I was work. First, it made him crap an ungodly amount all over the carpet. Then he was blocked up bad. He wouldn’t eat dry food, and I took him to the vet. She recommended trying to let it pass first before surgery as a last option.

I got him to eat a number of things to get things to pass. Beans, squash etc…all with a liberal dose of mineral oil. It wasn’t happening, and I was worried. I had to do some route planning for a race in the desert, and I decided to give it one more day before doing the surgery.

The gals I was working with (from another nonprofit) wanted to carpool. They were kinda granola types, nice, but I’m a blue collar hunter through and through. I politely declined, gave them my reasons (IE possible imminent explosive situation) and I immediately got the impression they thought I was lying cause I didn’t want to share a 4hr round trip drive with them.Truth be told I didn’t, but I would have had it not been for the dog.

We stopped as soon as we got off the highway to let the dogs run. He took off, happy as hell to be in the desert and looking totally happy and healthy. They started asking questions then…

All of a sudden, with him and their dogs about 150 yards out, he let loose a deluge. LOUD too. Even at that distance, it was like somebody was shooting a whoppie cushion into a megaphone. They got this shocked look on their faces, I was laughing my ass off but also relieved, and then they started laughing too.

They finally admitted they thought I just didn’t wanna ride with them, and we ended up having a pretty good day after that.
My first Rottweiler was a big male. About 130 pounds. His name was Bronson. One day he got bored I guess and ate a sock. I saw him humped up and the sock about halfway out. He was really having trouble. My buddy happened to be over at the time. I told him to hold his head while I did the unpleasant task of removing the poop covered sock. My bud said F you. You hold his head. Good friends will do that. mtmuley
Well I am in $1k because my Redbone/Beagle mix ate a mushroom or two. When symptomatic thought diabetes and made n appt. Got sicker and took him to the Urgicare. Liver enzymes were sky high. 6 different meds. All better now but has to take Denamarin every day now due to slight damage as indicated by a high normal enzyme that is specific to the liver itself.

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