There is a new "show" in town (Denver)

Do you go to an outdoor show yearly?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 22.4%
  • No

    Votes: 50 65.8%
  • Not yet

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • What's an outdoor show

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Only in Utah

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Largely in jest, though he is among the absolute worst I have been aware of in terms of killing large numbers of animals 100% for content. At least in the western hunting/equipment/influencer realm.
This is highly inaccurate, I personally do not have a relationship with Snyder, however some of my closest friends are his long time friends. If he truly was a low grade human being, I wouldn't put my name with his, on anything. I believe a reputation is worth more than any dollar amount.

To the contrary, I have personally seen, with my own eyes, Snyder has uplifted many people in the hunting community, it's undeniable. I am personally disconnected and have no emotional attachment to said person, my opinion is based strictly off logic and information from reputable, upstanding folks in the industry.

I realize, when someone reaches a high level of fame (in the small world of hunting), there will be rumors and someone wanting to drag said person's name in the mud. It comes with the territory, its natural, you should expect to hear bad things, at some point, about anyone who achieves a higher "status".
We've taken a unity approach. There are alot of egos, opinions and infighting in the hunting and fishing community. That will be checked at the door. We have zero tolerance for the drama that has divided our community and with the ballot initiatives that threaten hunting, we are changing the divided tone to one solid group, with a mutual goal in mind.

i'll have zero tolerance for behaviors within the hunting community that i feel threaten the future of hunting before i have zero tolerance for any drama that may ensue from the behaviors of some in the hunting community that threaten the future of hunting.

but, we do really need some good unity and mutual efforts towards protecting what we love to do, so thank you. keep at it.
Not following at all is likely best. It has evolved however. Not that long ago it was more akin to reading about experiences that seemingly like-minded outdoorsmen shared. It has snowballed uncontrollably and is not even close to that now of course.
Before I joined this forum, I had no idea who cam was or what a muley freak is. Probably my only regret. Knew about Randy and Steve Rinella though.
We've taken a unity approach. There are alot of egos, opinions and infighting in the hunting and fishing community. That will be checked at the door. We have zero tolerance for the drama that has divided our community and with the ballot initiatives that threaten hunting, we are changing the divided tone to one solid group, with a mutual goal in mind.
I think this is really important for Colorado hunters specifically, we have to put our differences aside and build a unified front. Hunting in Colorado is being attacked from every conceivable angle— Governor, legislature, CPW commission, and an onslaught of ballot initiatives. I’m not much of an outdoor show guy but the town hall discussion sounds interesting to me.
The problem as I see it is I have to cross to the wrong side of The Great Divide to come.
Did anyone attend the show yesterday? I bought a ticket for today, but if the consensus is it's a waste of time, maybe I'll save the gas.
RMBS has a wicked awesome booth (#201).

I'll be signing autographs there Sunday from 9-1. @Oak will sadly not be there signing headshots.

In more enticing news, you can buy your raffle tickets for the statewide raffles at the booth, as well as sign up for membership... including upgrading so that you are eligible for our life member hunt at the Rendezvous (must be present to win)

See ya there
Went today with CPO and met Abe first thing right at the entrance. Had a good chat for a few minutes about the show, guns and other fun stuff. Also ran into MtnElk at the RMBS booth out of the blue (to me ;) ) which was a bonus. Everything about this show was much better than the Denver show. NO crap vendors, folks I like and respect (Davis, Jumpin Jack, Caribou Game Bags, et al), nice set up. On top of that the trip there was a lot more pleasant, parking was MUCH easier ($10 bucks and if you want to park over at the 61st and Pena lot there is a free shuttle) and plenty of reasonable food options just down the street. I will definitely be back next year.
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