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The Trenches

I caught a bug that my youngest boy had and now I'm "resting" at work while my wife is at home with the kids. Hoping to feel better by tomorrow, as I've got 4 straight days of muzzleloader hunting ahead of me.
My boys (4 and 1-3/4) have blossomed into some pretty friggen fantasticly fun kids. Amazing watching them grow and learn and change.
We have two boys ages 5 and 3. It's chaos at our house. Every. Single. Day. While incredibly challenging and exhausting, it's by far the best thing in the world to me and I can't imagine life any other way 🤪 Having one kid is a peace of cake. Number two is a game changer. Buckle up 😆
Cries have been replaced with slammed doors and "You're ruining my life!"
I need two laundry machines three driers, and a 120 gal hot water heater.
I have had to adjust my schedule twice in the last month to pick my son up from detention.
My daughter has proven to be the single hardest human I've ever met. If you ask her to do something and she really doesn't want to do it. She'll literally stop what she's doing and just look at you, without saying anything or moving a muscle... forever... you can get mad, you can threaten punishment, you can do really whatever you want, and she'll get mad you can see that, but will still just sit and stare... HARDEST HUMAN EVER. UNCRACKABLE. She was made for the mob.
I planted a rose bush under my son's bedroom window to try to dissuade his preferred exit.
My youngest is 13. I wouldn’t change a thing, but I would trade just about everything to go back to those sleepless nights/dirty diaper days and get to do it all over again. Those were the days!

I'm already feeling how true that will be.

I remember maybe 7 or so years ago i was lamenting to my dad how sad it is to think about how college is just over, long gone. What amazing years - making amazing friends, going to classes, having so much fun day in and day out while living with some great people, going on adventures, amazing summer jobs working and living in the mountains... all the great things. Just unbelievably amazing and carefree times. Great years spent in college and it made me sad to often think about how those years are drifting further into the past and there will never be a time of such carefree joy again - the best times of my life.

He looked it me for like 5 seconds and very quickly and matter of factly said, "Yeah, but the best times of your life keep happening. I remember pushing you around this block in the stroller on cold winter days with the dog. We would pass by the elementary school you'd eventually go to and then we'd come back inside and warm up and I'd put on the Broncoes game and give you a bottle. It's hard to make sense of it, but I look back on those days more fondly than my college days. They were truly some of the best days of my life and I even agree with you on all counts on how wonderful of a time college was."

It has stuck hard in my brain ever since. Even if, on many days, I am forgetting about that truth.
Sorry to hijack your thread, @TOGIE.

Appreciate you giving us the update. I am happy for you and glad to hear you’re doing well. I am pulling for you and your family👍
I'm gonna level with you fellas I'm in a bit of a spin out currently. My boy will be 9 soon daughter just turned 7 and now I've got the third one on the way. We've been trying so long I guess I'd just got comfortable with it not happening. I feel like I was halfway through a game and someone reset the clock. Which is stupid being a parent dosen't end when they turn 18. But man I lay my head down at night right now and it's like a mild panic attack when I think of all the responsibility. Happened with the first one to if it's like that time it'll all evaporate once I hold the kid in my arms. But until then I'm gonna worry about a hundred things and it's making me a bigger A hole then normal. Anyway I need to talk about this with my wife not you guys.
I'm gonna level with you fellas I'm in a bit of a spin out currently. My boy will be 9 soon daughter just turned 7 and now I've got the third one on the way. We've been trying so long I guess I'd just got comfortable with it not happening. I feel like I was halfway through a game and someone reset the clock. Which is stupid being a parent dosen't end when they turn 18. But man I lay my head down at night right now and it's like a mild panic attack when I think of all the responsibility. Happened with the first one to if it's like that time it'll all evaporate once I hold the kid in my arms. But until then I'm gonna worry about a hundred things and it's making me a bigger A hole then normal. Anyway I need to talk about this with my wife not you guys.

Take a deep breath and you will be fine.

You and your kids are here on this earth because your ancestors survived giant baby eating tigers, plagues, genocides, the elements and literally; diarrhea. You will be Okay.
I'm gonna level with you fellas I'm in a bit of a spin out currently. My boy will be 9 soon daughter just turned 7 and now I've got the third one on the way. We've been trying so long I guess I'd just got comfortable with it not happening. I feel like I was halfway through a game and someone reset the clock. Which is stupid being a parent dosen't end when they turn 18. But man I lay my head down at night right now and it's like a mild panic attack when I think of all the responsibility. Happened with the first one to if it's like that time it'll all evaporate once I hold the kid in my arms. But until then I'm gonna worry about a hundred things and it's making me a bigger A hole then normal. Anyway I need to talk about this with my wife not you guys.
I ain't gonna sugar coat it, you fudged up Will. You've been out of diapers for what, half a decade? And now you're diving back in. You're old, you need sleep, sleep you won't get due to all the crying and screaming and cholic. The energy you had 5 years ago to chase around a toddler is gone, goodbye, never to return, and you're still two sleep deprived years away from even needing it!

I pitty the fool.

... I also envy the fool. I'd give my left nut to do it again. They simply grow too fast and provide fulfilment and enjoyment that can't be replicated. Congrats Will, treat it like the best that that ever happened!
My wife an I reset the clock 2 years ago when we had our 15 yr old and 12 year old boys and then added a newborn girl. 2 years later we have a 17, 14, and 2 yr old. We are thinking of starting a youtube channel titled "Teenagers and Toddlers" it will pretty much just be videos of us looking exhausted and crying while the teenagers tell us how they know everything.

Babies are for people in their 20s. It was much more difficult in our late 30s, so tired.

Seriously though, teenagers are worse. I'd take a newborn over a teenager anytime.
Just checking in with the rest of you in these similar trenches. How is it going?
My daughter is a bit over 2 years old now and an absolute sweetheart. Number two is on the way, summer 2025 will be a busy one in this household.
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My boys are 6 and 3 and can be “trying” at times. The three-nager is possibly the most stubborn person I’ve ever encountered. He’s a delightful mix of his mother’s looks and his father’s attitude. So he’s cute as hell, but will also flip you the bird. His older brother has already exceeded every standard for kindergarten in the first 3 months, which is awesome, but now he’s also bored… which means in the last 2 weeks he’s gotten in trouble for teaching all his friends the eff-word (and how to spell it), stealing a girls hat at recess and making her kiss him to give it back, and just today, stealing from another student.
I ain't gonna sugar coat it, you fudged up Will. You've been out of diapers for what, half a decade? And now you're diving back in. You're old, you need sleep, sleep you won't get due to all the crying and screaming and cholic. The energy you had 5 years ago to chase around a toddler is gone, goodbye, never to return, and you're still two sleep deprived years away from even needing it!

I pitty the fool.

... I also envy the fool. I'd give my left nut to do it again. They simply grow too fast and provide fulfilment and enjoyment that can't be replicated. Congrats Will, treat it like the best that that ever happened!
One word --- Grandkids
My boys are 6 and 3 and can be “trying” at times. The three-nager is possibly the most stubborn person I’ve ever encountered. He’s a delightful mix of his mother’s looks and his father’s attitude. So he’s cute as hell, but will also flip you the bird. His older brother has already exceeded every standard for kindergarten in the first 3 months, which is awesome, but now he’s also bored… which means in the last 2 weeks he’s gotten in trouble for teaching all his friends the eff-word (and how to spell it), stealing a girls hat at recess and making her kiss him to give it back, and just today, stealing from another student.
I wonder where he learned that?

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