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The Trenches

Or am I shooting myself in the foot, because it's a helluva lot easier to spend the money and take the time for multiple out of state hunts when you don't have to runs kids to soccer practice.
I mean...
Good Lord! Sure you are not being a touch overly dramatic?

just being honest. i don't think i've yet to meet a person with kids that when cornered would describe the first 7 days as anything else.

unless you like big rutty elk schlongs?
just being honest. i don't think i've yet to meet a person with kids that when cornered would describe the first 7 days as anything else.

unless you like big rutty elk schlongs?
Never felt anything close to your feelings during the first week or any week for that matter with either of my kids, 16 and 15. Some moments are tough, others are awesome, most are benign. Kind of sounds like all aspects of life to me.
I certainly hope things improve for you. Wife and I expecting #3 in November. I have to agree that one was a cake walk vs two, and i'd be lying if I said the idea of three hasn't raised my blood pressure.
Our first kid Aaron lulled us into a false sense of normalcy with his extremely good natured easy to tend to outlook on life. Even in the first two weeks.

14 months later along came Katie……a complete colicky terror of unrelenting waves of shrieking and crying. First up was a week in NICU for the same dosing of antibiotics that they would give to an adult. Respiratory therapists couldn’t believe a 9 pounder was in such rough lung conditions as she was. Bringing her home finally, it was if we had had every stereotypical newborn problem rolled up into one.

And in the final analysis, each kid is worth every lego stepped on, every blown out diaper, every time you wiped a snotty face with your fingers because that is all you had at the moment, every moment you’d rather be sleeping instead of rocking a strong willed child into some semblance of a comfort zone, even every time they “spit up” on your shoulder.

Sounds like my English Setters. The first, a precious little princess, definitely a puppy, but an easy one. The second, a boy, was the biggest crybaby of a dog I’ve ever seen. Just incredibly soft. I hated trying to train that dog for the first year or two before he grew up.
I certainly hope things improve for you. Wife and I expecting #3 in November. I have to agree that one was a cake walk vs two, and i'd be lying if I said the idea of three hasn't raised my blood pressure.
Wife and I had planned on going for 3. Then we had #2. I'm currently booking my snip snip appointment because hell no I'm not doing that again.

@TOGIE I feel for you man. It's rough. It's worth it, but it sucks. The worst will be once your wife is up and running you'll become pretty much a useless appendage until about 9 months old. Then they start getting fun.
Welcome to the next 18 years of your life. If you think it is going to slow down any you are in for an awakening for sure.
Enjoy every minute of it. This part of your life will be past you before you know it, and you will miss it.
Wife and I had planned on going for 3. Then we had #2. I'm currently booking my snip snip appointment because hell no I'm not doing that again.

@TOGIE I feel for you man. It's rough. It's worth it, but it sucks. The worst will be once your wife is up and running you'll become pretty much a useless appendage until about 9 months old. Then they start getting fun.

All my friends told me to prepare for being a useless appendage almost from the get go. I was like alright I’m gonna be chef extraordinaire and bottle washer and swaddler for my woman and keep this house clean!

Then c section happened lol
I accidently started walking around the wrong side of the operating table to go over and see the kiddo after they pulled him out. Whoa stop! go the other way!

It pretty much just looked like gutting a deer.

was the OR room rule "if it's blue DON'T TOUCH IT" for you too?
Not much to say that hasn’t already been said. Congratulations @TOGIE . There’s nothing better or harder or more taxing.

All I’ll say is, when he’s a little older and has some solid neck control, it still pays to be mindful of how you hold him. Especially right after he’s nursed. I don’t care how cute he is, don’t hold him over your face.

My boy dumped a whole load right in my mouth here:


And then my wife stood there taking pictures for like three minutes…
Congrats on the kid. Much to be happy about if both are healthy and recovering.

Just had #2 roughly 4 months ago. Got to hand it to my wife cause the second birth went very smooth with a few complications. With my boy, #1, my wife had more complications but all ended well. Shes really good with kids and both have been good for us. Sure the usual lack of sleep for the first 2-4 weeks, but after that it just gets better. At almost 4 months my baby girl is sleeping through the night, same as my son did. She is more touchy though - room temp and clothes have to be just right, freshly fed and changed, white noise machine, pacifier…

Took my 4.5 year old son on his first real deer and bear hunt a week ago. He was a trooper. We practiced hiking with gear and he carried a liter of water plus snacks in a backpack for 3 miles in 2 hours, with 600’ of elevation change. During the hunt he did that for 4 days straight with less sleep than normal and never complained once. We saw just a few does and I got bit by a wasp real good - best hunt of my life so far. Had my Dad there too so 3 generations got to hunt and fish together. My mom, wife, and daughter stayed at camp in the trailers while we were out.

I know not all kids are great - I was one of them - but I got lucky with mine. Wouldnt trade it for the world and see them as an opportunity for hunting in the future. I dont remember a lot of the early months with them cause I was so tired but pics help remind me. Just enjoy it and remember life is much more complicated, and simple, thanks to them.

congratulations on the healthy baby, that's great. my wife 270.rose had just had our second son, also an emergency c section, we had just collected our oldest from the grandparents and gotten home when she announced that she was going to take a shower. seconds, literally seconds later a earpiercing shreak sounded from the bathroom. l ran in and seen a very large scorpion making laps around the tub. he had apparently taken up residence in the shower drain and when she turned the water on he came boiling out. that was interesting to say the least.
update: for the first time in 4 weeks and now two nights in a row i've gotten 4 full unbroken hours of sleep. i feel like a new man, i actually feel.... somewhat.... normal? but it's all relative.

my biggest takeaway from the last 4 weeks: having a newborn is really hard no matter how you slice it, but it would really be not that bad if you could just be rested. like really not that bad, still really hard, but not that bad.

i've been that tired before in my life, but not for 4 weeks straight. it's actually, literally, physically painful.

can't wait for number 2.

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