Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

The Trenches

HAHAHAHA. I love it! Only because I'm not in it!

We didn't get more than 4 hrs sleep for the first year! And diapers didn't go away until almost kindergarten!

You think 4 weeks is bad, just wait! Sleep deprivation is cumulative.

sleep deprivation is also carcinogenic according to many neuroscientists and the world health organization.

oh the joys.
When my four year randomly appears in our bed in the middle of the night, he usually likes to lay there and poke my face for a few minutes before falling asleep. Then the kicking starts...
True, but there's nothing better than the little girl I love most in the world coming into my room at two in the morning and saying, "Daddy, snuggle with me."

She's going to have an awkward childhood because I'm not letting those things go without a fight 😉
Children come before anything, ain't they great. Congratulations. Sounds like your family will be back to normal n drivin' ya nutz before ya know it. Have a ball brother, that trench can go on for years.
I think I have read most of this thread to my wife at this point while I giggle next to her on the couch. Our boy turns 6 months tomorrow. We were kinda lucky in regards to the sleep thing for the first few nights as he was having an extended sleepover at the NICU while we were put up at a nearby RMH. Still, all the trials and tribulations at the beginning have been worth it with this guy. He’s great. Being a parent is the best thing I’ve done with my life so far. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
You sound like you're almost in the same boat I was in. No, they don't tell you how brutal it really is. But I'll go ahead and do it in case nobody else does.

It doesnt get much better.

But make sure you go on that hunting trip! And make sure you push the boundary as hard as you can, you HAVE TO SET THE PRECEDENT EARLY.
A lot of truth on here. Only thing I will add is that every kid is different and your experience from one to another can also be wildly different. Our first was a tough sleeper, pretty fussy and woke up at 5 am every day…still does wake up way before everyone else. He has turned into a nice kid who loves to fish and hunt. Number two was an angel baby, slept through the night at six weeks, slept in late, are anything we gave her. Now she is a type A firecracker. Hard to believe now but You will forget the early days for the most part. Definitely a defense system.
…as for Dog “parents”…I think it’s great because their pups won’t be competing with mine for tags 😀.
So real question now that fatherhood is upon us how do we start tags for tots?

I really think your kid needs the “experience” of you killing their smoker ram by proxy in order to gain an interest in hunting.

I don’t think the dad draw is quite good enough… what if we just made whole units dad only?
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But make sure you go on that hunting trip! And make sure you push the boundary as hard as you can, you HAVE TO SET THE PRECEDENT EARLY.

that worked while dating turned to marriage and i think it will work now. i'm just super thankful i don't have to try and force it. being encouraged to go by my wife is super awesome.

though it was depressing, she said the other day "with how desperately i want to get out and do something, or just go hunting with you, and literally can't, and won't be able to for a good while, i want at least one of us to be able to get away and do something we love. you deserve it anyway, so you have to go."

i mean, no, i don't deserve it, but i'll take it.
A lot of truth on here. Only thing I will add is that every kid is different and your experience from one to another can also be wildly different. Our first was a tough sleeper, pretty fussy and woke up at 5 am every day…still does wake up way before everyone else. He has turned into a nice kid who loves to fish and hunt. Number two was an angel baby, slept through the night at six weeks, slept in late, are anything we gave her. Now she is a type A firecracker.
We have a 2yo and a 6yo. The above has been my experience. The truth is every kid and situation is different.
Our 6 yo was an angel he slept hung out and didn't cry to often.
The last 2 years have been a mad house with the youngest being an animal and the oldest in sports already imagine having a baby no sleep and also being on time for soccer, flag football, baseball, wrestling and judo practice/games. Then mutten busting on the weekends that are free.
Tomorrow is the first day of basketball practice and you currently can't have a conversation around the 2yo because he screams "ROOOOOAR! I'm a dinosaur" constantly, no matter what you do. Other parents look at you like they are shocked your kid is rude. Well he is and I can't get him to stop. You are going to have to deal with it Karen did you hear him he's a f-ing dinosaur.

Parents are tuff because life is ruff.
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that worked while dating turned to marriage and i think it will work now. i'm just super thankful i don't have to try and force it. being encouraged to go by my wife is super awesome.

though it was depressing, she said the other day "with how desperately i want to get out and do something, or just go hunting with you, and literally can't, and won't be able to for a good while, i want at least one of us to be able to get away and do something we love. you deserve it anyway, so you have to go."

i mean, no, i don't deserve it, but i'll take it.
Life is now more about balance than it was before the baby. I picture a pie chart of 365 days.
Pre baby the chart had
- my time away, usually also her time away depending on schedule and time together.
That was it balance that and everyone is happy.

With kids you have
- my time alone she watches kids, her time alone I am watching kids, time together as a family, time together without kids.
The pieces of the pie are a lot smaller now and nobody can do a dam thing about it.
The pieces of the pie are a lot smaller now and nobody can do a dam thing about it.

definitely. it's one of those things you know in theory but is really hard to both accept and figure out once it actually starts happening. sort of like just the first month of a baby. in theory you know and actually think you understand it's going to be hard, but you don't. nobody can understand it till it's happening i'm convinced.

we're still in survival mode so we haven't even had to fully figure that pie chart stuff out. but even in conversations and future planning discussions it's definitely started.

i need to re zero my rifle because there's no fugging ammo available in my brand or weight that i can find and i've got two rounds left after last year. am wondering how in the hell i'm gonna get the chance to do that lol. i just kept assuming all summer i'd show up to scheels or cabelas in my bi weekly visit and find a box or two. big mistake.
that worked while dating turned to marriage and i think it will work now. i'm just super thankful i don't have to try and force it. being encouraged to go by my wife is super awesome.

though it was depressing, she said the other day "with how desperately i want to get out and do something, or just go hunting with you, and literally can't, and won't be able to for a good while, i want at least one of us to be able to get away and do something we love. you deserve it anyway, so you have to go."

i mean, no, i don't deserve it, but i'll take it.
This was a trick comment. You're screwed.
This was a trick comment. You're screwed.

she has too many friends who she has seen cheering on their husbands out being successful while hunting in the 4-8 week period after having a baby in the past couple of years.

for better or worse this is an area where the poison of social media is greatly working to my advantage ;)

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