The Storms of Life

Wishing you the best with your mom. That's a difficult time of life.

And go get that goat........
Prayers for your Mom, your siblings, and you during her treatments. The power of prayer is powerful ... family first and the rest of this stuff we call "Life" can wait. Good luck hunting, be sure to take the time to reflect and enjoy yourself.
Prayers to your Mom and your entire family. Times like this are tough for all. Good luck on your hunt and be safe.
Hoping for the best for your mom, AND hoping you get that goat too! All the best…prayers headed you and your family’s way.
The storms of life indeed. Having family that can help manage the storms must really give your Mom great perspective on the family she has raised. I’m sure this will give her strength to fight as hard as she will need to in order to get through this storm. I’m sure she also takes satisfaction that you are able to do this goat hunt, and not missing it due to her condition. Mom‘s are so selfless in that way and I’m sure she is no exception.

All the best to you and your family during this tumultuous time. You have a LOT of people pulling for you. This is likely a time in your life where others who you have helped and selflessly served over the years will step up and help you in ways that may surprise you.
Good luck BigFin!
I am glad you have a chance to hunt for a billy since we last communicated.
Great weather...hope you connect!!
That gives me the 17th-28th to find this grubby old billy and hopefully put my tag on him before coming back to Minnesota for much of December.
Wow! I missed all the comments beyond your post not out of lack of trying, though in the er room awaiting a one hour covid test in Virginia and internet inside the er room gives me shady no internet to 3g and back to none... So, if I missed more to this story, apologies. I'll post up in the. Covid thread later.

Anyhow, first my heartfelt prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. May the evil cancer get its arse kicked with the heavy treatment! Your mother is one hell of a stout lady to bring you into this world charging up mountains!

Great choice on crack the quick moose to get back and keep your mother's heart warm that she didn't have a sense to keep you from something... which she shouldn't and I don't know jack squat of her to speak, so from my own impression I shared that thought.

Great family organization and support to make this goat hunt go beyond even your prior goat hunt... this one will hold precious memories regardless you get on Ole billy or not!

Lastly with your medical conditions, you're one inspiring mountain billy yourself, Randy!

Go get 'em! Best!
Prayers offered. Went through this with Mom and now one of my siblings. Cancer is a bitch.

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