PEAX Equipment

The Storms of Life

Back at camp. We got of that frozen mountain and nobody got injured. The sketchiest pack out of my life, by a big margin.

I can't tell you what an amazing group of guys helped me with this. Seven miles chasing this goat, through some places I would have never ventures alone. A few nasty falls and slides down icy slopes, but not broken bodies or gear.

We're spent. I post this picture and give a few more details tomorrow. Got our chance at 4:45 pm, 340 yards on the same cliffs as yesterday afternoon.

Adam Foss was with us taking photos for Leupold, Gerber, Mystery Ranch, and Sitka. He and his family do tons of mountain hunting in BC. He says this is the oldest goat he's ever seen. We get 12+ years old. Withered to the bones and busted both horns over the years. Getting him officially aged at Matson's Lab, as there is discussion he's even older than 12.

Thanks for following along. Thank God for the blessing of great friends. I am blessed in so many ways.

While I was coughing my lungs out with COVID last December, I doubted I'd be able to chase goats for seven miles in the snowy mountains of southwest Montana.

For all that's been going on in my life this season, I never dreamed a goat like this would be a reality.

This one is for my Mom. Nobody will be happier for my success than she will be when she sees the picture tomorrow morning.

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That hair!!!! Incredible.
Congrats all the way around. Glad everyone made it off the mountain in one piece.
Hell yea, that’s worthy of all the stress you put us through! Congrats on a great goat and that should be a heck of a pick me up for your mom!
Everything about this hunt is special. That goat is really something. Congratulations Randy, I’m so glad you got to have this experience amidst life’s turmoil—best wishes to your mom.
Brought a tear to my eye comrade! What a Fall! Good thing you’re so badass. Your Mom must be so proud. Now don’t let a taxidermist “clean” up Grubby’s hair!
Great goat, great story, great that you brought us along! Kudos Randy and the Gang and best wishes and prayers still out for your mom🙏🏻
Fantastic! To be a fly on the wall watching your mother's first view of the pic!

A monumental goat on so many levels! Grats!
Outstanding all around. Having had to do the caregiver thing for both parents, it's vital to get some time away to re-center and remember all the good that your family has brought you.

The judges award good health for everyone, and enough time to be happy together. I'm sure your moms is beaming with pride!
I wish I could see your mom's reaction to the picture and story! I bet there will be lots of smiles.

Question: What does the hoof score on the B&C hoof scoring scale? Is it a "Booner" hoof?

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