The Season of Stupid (& elk)

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Exactly, unless someone is holding my bullets my general rule is brown=down (as long as it’s legal). I like putting meat in the freezer and usually hunt e/s tags for elk.

If there is a legal bull sitting next to a cow I’m going to shoot the bull, but if the bull is still in the trees when a cow walks out, dead cow.

Deer and antelope are a bit different for me but likely only because I don’t usually have e/s tags. But @MtnElk has been watching too much fresh tracks and says he is going to wait for a bull and make me do the same… Maybe he will corrupt me or maybe I will make him crumble. Only time will tell. Or we will just do a lot of hiking and no killing. It’s elk hunting so who knows.
I am right there with you. Horns are cool to look at they are a little tough to chew on even if you boil them lol. I do my best to take mature animals, if I gotta eat I take whats available and presents itself, with the exception of muley does those are a last day last minute for me.
Let's make Hunt Talk about hunting again haha

33 days out from hunt one and things are ramping up around the house in anticipation of back to back elk hunts to start October. And by ramping up I mean that I am being a perfect husband and not rocking the boat at all 🤣 Hunting wise, I am pretty sure @Dsnow9 is getting sick of text messages with screen shots and way points full of questions about elk movement / personal hypotheses. Plan is to get together tomorrow night and go over everything for the first hunt, a backpacking adventure that should test our legs as much as our hunting skills - but should be a rewarding WY adventure. @Dsnow9 is currently building a Frankenstein meat cart (yes @Ben Lamb you can claim that band name) to help alleviate some of the weight on our backs and legs - can't wait to test it out with hopefully 3 cow elk.

Meanwhile, I am busy getting everything ready on my end for our 1st season hunt here in Colorado. Namely, I need to set up the new wall tent in the backyard and get used to putting it up solo. I'll be getting to our unit two days ahead of Dsnow and after my 3rd season hunt, I am playing outfitter / packer for Deacon and dropping camp for his 4th season hunt. I was surprised that a 14x20 wall tent, stove, poles, etc compacts down this much. Tip of the hat again to @BuzzH for answering all of my questions about Davis Tents.


Later this month @Dsnow9 and I head to our unit to scout out potential camp spots and for him to give me a lay of the land / go over our strategy for the weekend. Depending on what we drop in WY, we may be looking at targeting a bull opening morning as opposed to shooting the first elk we see. Either way, should be nice to observe the unit while archery is going on to see how the elk are being pushed around. Should make for good game planning. Then a trip to the range so dsnow can figure out whether to let me shoot past 100 yards ha

Can't believe September is two days away. Temps up here are starting to drop, the pellet stoves are kicking on again and the bears are eating everything in sight. Can't wait to start hearing bugles at night from distant units.
Ok, so I haven’t contributed much in the last year or so with hunting content for a number of reasons, besides taking my 6 year old on her first deer hunt in -3 degree weather let January.

I told @MtnElk i would do my part the other night at dinner.

I finally have a hole in my insane schedule to go sight in and get comfortable with those beauties that @p_ham upgraded for me. Tuesday is the day and I couldn’t be more excited to get back to the range I grew up on.

Exactly, unless someone is holding my bullets my general rule is brown=down (as long as it’s legal). I like putting meat in the freezer and usually hunt e/s tags for elk.

If there is a legal bull sitting next to a cow I’m going to shoot the bull, but if the bull is still in the trees when a cow walks out, dead cow.

Deer and antelope are a bit different for me but likely only because I don’t usually have e/s tags. But @MtnElk has been watching too much fresh tracks and says he is going to wait for a bull and make me do the same… Maybe he will corrupt me or maybe I will make him crumble. Only time will tell. Or we will just do a lot of hiking and no killing. It’s elk hunting so who knows.
It’s hard to ignore that little voice behind you whispering, “SHOOT! Smoke her!! It’s too perfect to pass up!”

“Damnit! Yeah, you’re right… “

wssstt THWAP.
There seem to be many qualified applicants. Given the application pool it's looking the supervisors are going to need supervisors. Definitely gonna need a bigger tent.
I have a 16’X16’ and a 10’X10’ wall tent.
John west style?

I was thinking a ten mile pack out with 1/3-1/2 an elk would be a good start. 10/1-10/5. I’ll send the pins.

This commitment comes complete with the requirement that you will help pack out until all of the meat is out of the backcountry.

If you don’t go back for second and third trips you don’t get any meat and will not be invited on future trips.

Boy, this first hunt is sounding more and more light a bad idea…
I was thinking a ten mile pack out with 1/3-1/2 an elk would be a good start. 10/1-10/5. I’ll send the pins.

This commitment comes complete with the requirement that you will help pack out until all of the meat is out of the backcountry.

If you don’t go back for second and third trips you don’t get any meat and will not be invited on future trips.

Boy, this first hunt is sounding more and more light a bad idea…

Do you want it out this fall ? Or just by spring thaw?
I have to pack all 20 poles, 100 lbs of canvas and 20 ropes for the wall tent in one trip too?
I have to pack all 20 poles, 100 lbs of canvas and 20 ropes for the wall tent in one trip too?
No the wall tent is for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hunt of the year. This first hunt is the tryout period to come on the fun hunts!

What, you think @MtnElk is going to get a slam dunk for his first elk… he’s in the same boat. Gotta earn the first one to hunt the rest of them.
No the wall tent is for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hunt of the year. This first hunt is the tryout period to come on the fun hunts!

What, you think @MtnElk is going to get a slam dunk for his first elk… he’s in the same boat. Gotta earn the first one to hunt the rest of them.
This is news to me 😂
I’m just so excited we went see a pink hat in a Subaru now. I’d most likely be wanted for hit and run if I seen that.

Now I’m looking forward to seeing a little blood on that new Toyota tailgate.

Don’t go full Nebraskani with the bloody tailgate, and over the license plate. Just a few drops. Those of us that know, will tip (our non pink) caps to you. 😂
I’m just so excited we went see a pink hat in a Subaru now. I’d most likely be wanted for hit and run if I seen that.

Now I’m looking forward to seeing a little blood on that new Toyota tailgate.

Don’t go full Nebraskani with the bloody tailgate, and over the license plate. Just a few drops. Those of us that know, will tip (our non pink) caps to you. 😂
What’s wrong with a pink hat though. Are you just jealous? I can send you one too!
I was thinking a ten mile pack out with 1/3-1/2 an elk would be a good start. 10/1-10/5. I’ll send the pins.

This commitment comes complete with the requirement that you will help pack out until all of the meat is out of the backcountry.

If you don’t go back for second and third trips you don’t get any meat and will not be invited on future trips.

Boy, this first hunt is sounding more and more light a bad idea…
Hells to the no!! This party is just getting started. The only bull that's gonna be shot is in camp.

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