The Ruthless Party

EG ,
Based on the fact that your opinions are straight out of the communist manifesto , it's easy to tell you're no republican .

It did take a while to figure out you're not a man however .
I never, ever advocated a one party system. I rather cherish open dialog on the issues(pretty much why I post in SI).

I stand firm in my assertion that the reason the Democrats are waning is because they do not have a coherant plan for the middle class. Their only course in recent years, in the context of the day to day grind of realpolitik is to oppose whatever the GOP proposes. They've become the Republicans of the 1970's....neutered.

They're handed the operations manual of why they're becoming irrelevant and they ignore it. They continue to embrace fringe causes thereby allowing single issue extremists define their public image.

They've become the party of choice for drug addicted, married gay, atheist illegal immigrants who want to dismantle the military to finance free medical care.

That simply doesn't square with the principles upon which this nation was founded. They have become the party that wants to dismantle America.

and as far as Social Security is's a SCAM!! Its always been a scam and it was a scam when the patron saint of big government (FDR) instituted 62 as the qualifying age when the average American blue-collar worker lived to around 47.

So I say screw the poor! Screw the lazy wastes of oxygen who are content to do as little as possible waiting for the day when they can latch onto the federal teat. They bitch about their miserable lives and how their filthy brood of brats "ain't gettin Christmas this year" but they always seem to have just enough for beer and cigaretts. Part of the reason they don't work harder during their useful years is because they know way deep down that Uncle Sugar's gonna take care of them. This is America! If your over 30 and no-shit poor its your own goddamned fault. (before you castigate me for being a heartless bastard, I just described half of my own family)

Privatization or personalization makes retirement planning real to average people. It makes them responsible for their own destiny which is why it will be fought tooth and nail by the liberal owned Democrats. A public responsible for, and actively working towards securing their own individual futures renders them less dependant on the government. Collective dependance on the government is the organizing principle of the Democratic Party.
Gunner i don`t think i deserve to be lumped in with the KKK or the Aryan nation....or any racist group [cheap shot][you should know better] . Just because i told the truth about Ted Kennedy? Are you a Ted Kennedy Fan? and a Republican?
As for "nuts" in the Democratic party, what about the "nuts" in the GOP? You know, the KKK, Log Cabin Republicans, Elkcheese, Aryan Nations, and CJ.... Both parties have nuts....
You forgot to put yourself into this foray of "Nuts" as with CJ I to don't believe that any one on this board deserves to be lumped into this catagory.
But as I have been seeing and hearing....
When the "Left" begins to lose an argument, they immediatly start to go to the name calling because they have nothing else to give ;) Not constructively any way... :)
I am pretty sure Hillary is not 100 years old.... You may want to quit trying to use words that have more than about three letters, as you usually will either use the incorrect word or mis-spell it.
Why does Hillary have to be 100 to make what she is doing mute? ;)
Why does spelling on here have any thing to do with ours or your opinions?
I have also notised that people on the left seems to think they are way more smarter en us comon ordnary folks..... is it cas you did som skooling mor than any 1 els or becus you are an elitist? :)
Well said Eric!

I have a 40 + year old kook enviromentalist brother that still lives at home with mom and dad. Guess which way his political opinions lean? I'm all in favor of the occasional hand up, but when handouts become expected, we have created an even bigger problem.
You forgot to put yourself into this foray of "Nuts" as with CJ I to don't believe that any one on this board deserves to be lumped into this catagory.
But as I have been seeing and hearing....
When the "Left" begins to lose an argument, they immediatly start to go to the name calling because they have nothing else to give ;) Not constructively any way...

Here-here...I totally agree with that I guess that means you will be asking other people to retract their statements labeling all dems as nuts and freaks and lumping them all together...right??? It has to go both ways, my friend.

You're a bright guy and normally astute poster, do you really disagree that the Dems are the political home of the weird? Is it not true that nearly all ACLU employees are registered Dems? How about NAMBLA? I bet those guys love the Democratic Party.

Fact: The Democratic party was co-opted by the leftists, freaks and deviant fringe long ago.
Guppie you must be a Fran Fan?

I did not say all Democrats are freaks or weirdo's. I contend that the idealogical machinery of the Democratic Party has been co-opted by the radical fringe. There are many decent, solid, people who are good Americans who deeply believe that the role of government is to intervene in our lives or they believe that the environment trumps all other issues, and so they are Democrats.

I retract nothing. The Dems were once the party of working class Americans. They repackaged themselves in the 60's as the Big Tent party in order to attract the black vote. Their public message was to give a voice to minorities...IMO a good thing. The problem for them was that Big Tent invitation let in the freaks, and the freaks took full advantage of the "minority voice" caveat in the Dem platform by becoming the incessantly vocal. Eventually they wore down the "God and Country" Blue Dog Dems and took over party leadership giving further clout to the various freak elements.

Todays Liberals are now staring into the sunrise of a new era of GOP dominance in American politics. The next 20 or so years are the Republican's to loose.
I don't think either political party wins or loses, they just trudge on gaining and losing support as the pendulum swings. I have discovered different groups win depending on who is in office but over-all the middle class gets it from both ends. The middle class tends to lose no matter who is in office.
Erik - My only point was that I consider it hillarious when EITHER side tries to play the "you guys are resorting to calling names" game. It absolutely cracks me up. No matter what, when two different ideologies clash, there is gonna be name calling (ESPECIALLY here in SI). So, I found it very humorous that someone would get offended because they had been called some names. I was just pointing out that the name calling is coming from both sides and neither side has any room to talk.

What I really need to do is stay out of SI, because, most of the time, the stubborness of many posters here can get pretty annoying. |oo |oo |oo Unfortunately, many times, a great discussion turns ugly when certain people step in with their know it all attitude (Not you, Erik...I find most of your postings very well thought out. While I may not agree with all of them, at least they are intelligent and make me think about why I feel a certain way about a subject.)

As for Fran vs. Frank...WOW...I don't think I wanna get into that one!!! :) :)
Sorry if I offended you--I "ass-sumed" based on the tone of your post.

I got into this thread trying to explain (at least from my perspective why the Dems are losing sway with the electorate. The fact that they are, does make warm inside because I believe, long term, the Dems in their current form are bad for America. (or to be fair substantially worse than the GOP)
None taken...

You may be right about the dems...I don't know...all I know is there are some republicans out there that scare the bejesus out of me and there are some dems that do the same. Maybe that's why I liked Clinton. He started out as a centrist (IMO). I think that is what is missing today. I firmly believe that if someone popular from either party would stand up to the extremists in their party, they would become a national hero. I think that is all most of us want...a reasonable person who will look at both sides of an issue and make an intelligent decision. This country is begging for someone to step up and do that. Those guys seem to be few and far between. I just don't understand why everyone is playing to the extreme lefties and righties. It seems like the majority of this country is somewhere in why not do things that will benefit them???? I don't care if they are a dem or repub, just give me someone that doesn't lean so far to one side that they are falling over.

On a more positive side note...when are we going hunting??? For God sakes, we both live in Fairbanks. I only got back into hunting last year and didn't have any luck this past summer. I need someone to apprentice with. :) :) :)

Good posts, and you are correct, for the most part Erik does ok. He is a bit prone to outlandish statements and such, but that is why he has to pick up my bar tab next time I roll into Fairbanks.....

I do agree with Erik, as there are freaks in the Dem party. But, there are also freaks in the GOP. I personally believe the freaks in the Dem part are less harmful than the GOP freaks. When you have the likes of Ashcroft, James Dobson, etc.. you know your personal liberties are being attacked..