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The question "Why?"


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Off season at its finest!

This thread holds the fascinating Q&A's that has everyone, some, a few, or maybe just one wondering, "Why?"

Why - anything... It's an open book.
What the hell prompted this query? Here's the skinny!

Wife and I enjoyed our dinner watching a show on Netflix created by Fox named "House".

I'll try to keep this brief though it may run a bit.

It involves Foreman and Remy (aka "13") who are both doctors within a medical diagnostics team. They're sleeping together.
Foreman and Remy are in bed. Remy laying on her chest and Foreman on his back. Foreman's nipples are visible.


So I ask my wife, "Why are Foreman's nipples showing but Remy's are not? I want to see Remy's! (I have my reason...)
Female nipples vs male nipples?
So what is it about female nipples that we must keep them covered for a basic TV show? Why in society?
Sexually they do nothing and that seems to be the reasoning behind covering. However, I believe because they are covered up, it causes us, men, to want to see them!
Once that why was personally answered, the big Q became:
What do nipples do for men? Basically nothing.

So I had to Google this query and thus the thread inspired! There are many Q's that lead the mind down rabbit holes for no particular reason other than, hell... I don't know - inquiring minds want to know. Trivial!

And here's the answer!

A few weeks in, the Y chromosome starts creating changes that lead to the development of testes in males. Female fetuses go through changes that will eventually lead to the development of breasts.

Our development is different at this point and also during puberty, when secondary sex characteristics like pubic hair form.

Why hasn’t evolution selected against this trait?
If a trait isn’t necessary to our survival, evolution eventually eliminates it. And if males aren’t designed to breastfeed babies, then does that mean their nipples aren’t necessary?

Well, this isn’t entirely accurate.

The truth is, we have plenty of nonessential traits, like wisdom teeth, that are just left over from our development as a species.

Such traits are called vestigial, meaning we still have them because they’re not a priority for evolution to select against.

It’s not like male nipples are hurting anyone, so it’s no big deal for evolution to simply leave them be.

And there you have it! Why men have nipples.
What the hell prompted this query? Here's the skinny!

Wife and I enjoyed our dinner watching a show on Netflix created by Fox named "House".

I'll try to keep this brief though it may run a bit.

It involves Foreman and Remy (aka "13") who are both doctors within a medical diagnostics team. They're sleeping together.
Foreman and Remy are in bed. Remy laying on her chest and Foreman on his back. Foreman's nipples are visible.


So I ask my wife, "Why are Foreman's nipples showing but Remy's are not? I want to see Remy's! (I have my reason...)
Female nipples vs male nipples?
So what is it about female nipples that we must keep them covered for a basic TV show? Why in society?
Sexually they do nothing and that seems to be the reasoning behind covering. However, I believe because they are covered up, it causes us, men, to want to see them!
Once that why was personally answered, the big Q became:
What do nipples do for men? Basically nothing.

So I had to Google this query and thus the thread inspired! There are many Q's that lead the mind down rabbit holes for no particular reason other than, hell... I don't know - inquiring minds want to know. Trivial!

And here's the answer!

And there you have it! Why men have nipples.
One of my favorite sayings is “Someone or something worthless as tits on a boar.
Off season at its finest!

This thread holds the fascinating Q&A's that has everyone, some, a few, or maybe just one wondering, "Why?"

Why - anything... It's an open book.
Same reason cattle breed associations record teat size and udder shape after calving, albeit more unconsciously. Female nipples a used in reproduction, male nipples aren’t. Therefore female nipples are taboo. Don’t have a clue why ankles used to have to be covered though.
Why did I bother reading this thread?
The story of HT. Self twist arm not only to open, find lacking, and continue, though also waste your time to...

Wait. Nice one! That's a good Why question!

Why do online vocal people waste their precious time to post in a thread they found lacking interest?

A conundrum people here (and elsewhere) find challenging! Not merely to read the thread though to post they read the thread and didn't find the value of time spent!
Repeat after me::You hold the internal fortitude to simply untwist your own arm! You can do it! 🤣


All good fun, SA. Like many threads here. Some find the humor within others bitch about the time wasted.
Don’t have a clue why ankles used to have to be covered though.
Skin? Hah! Amazing how bored the male becomes once no longer a challenge!
That may explain marriage on an equal front as @Nick87 noted! The female version of the challenge is gone! Hah!
Same setting for myself though we've had that door knock and our parental self returns lickety-split trying to figure how to respond, tongues twisted how to respond! Hah!
Nick, one day your wife will give in to pity sex and that will be your five year old's moment to ask, in child lingo, WTF is going on in there?!?
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