The question "Why?"

Here's a Why question...

Why is the ethics oath doctors mutter named the "Hippocratic oath"?
idk, maybe it doesn’t sound like a ton of fun, but it’s what works there. It’s the same as sitting and glassing on a ridge. They’re what works for a their terrain. Just different kinds of sitting on your ass and watching/waiting. But in your own home state, at least you’re engaging as a part of the local ecosystem and economy.

I suppose I just see hunting ones own state as being more practical.

…Still not sure what the nodding homeless guy has to do with any of this, though. Can't swing a cat without hitting one of those, no
Why does a bear poop in the woods?
Well Gerald poses one of life's only obvious questions.
To answer this interesting, "Why?" Q, I introduce you to environmental philosophy professor, David O'Hara and his TEDx ear and eye opening conversation about why bears poop in the woods

Save you a couple minutes, why don't you start around 2:40. However, you're welcome to begin anywhere you would like. Let us begin this journey.
I drew a NR Wyoming LQ elk tag. WHY haven't I gotten it in the mail yet?
Oh this one's easy! Because you're a non-resident.

A conversation that I was apart of at the gym this morning.

Three of us old men were talking about Alaska, as one of them had just returned from there. An attractive young, to me, woman, asked where in Alaska, were we talking about? Then she said she grew up in Juneau. A little later, she said she has tried to talk her husband into moving up there, but his roots in Montana run deep.

That left us slack jawed. A man has a wife who would like to live in Alaska, and he lets that go to waste. Why?
A conversation that I was apart of at the gym this morning.

Three of us old men were talking about Alaska, as one of them had just returned from there. An attractive young, to me, woman, asked where in Alaska, were we talking about? Then she said she grew up in Juneau. A little later, she said she has tried to talk her husband into moving up there, but his roots in Montana run deep.

That left us slack jawed. A man has a wife who would like to live in Alaska, and he lets that go to waste. Why?
Got her phone number? ;)
Here's a Why question...

Why is the ethics oath doctors mutter named the "Hippocratic oath"?
Well, see, it’s like a democratic oath, but made by Hippos. So you see, we’re almost a Hippocratcy. Just a few more years……..