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The pressure is on.......



Now the pressure is on! No elk tagged on the bowhunt in the Gila for me and Acon. We both passed on bulls that were under 300". We both saw great bulls almost daily but couldn't get it done.

So now there is nothing to do.......BUT START PLANNING FOR THE NEXT ONE!...in 4 weeks!

I am falling back on the herds in Colorado to keep me from getting skunked this year. I have taken 10 elk tags and 2 deer tags into this hunt area in the last two seasons and have gone 100%!......a little above the state average for this open unit!!! I am optimistic I can still take a good elk.......kinda the reason I cancelled my bou hunt and sorta threw this one together. Didn't take long to "book up" a full camp!!!!!

I will be taking 4 other hunters and myself in this year....with 6 or 7 elk tags and 1 deer tag.
Not sure this camp will keep up the staggering odds, but I sure would hate to be the one to break the string! ;) ! ...I would say the PRESSURE IS ON!

The camp got REAL full this year...kinda by circumstances out of the norm, but I will do my best to make each man there feel like it is "his hunt". Of the 5 men that will be in camp, 4 post on this board regularly....so the stories ought to be flying in a few weeks! :eek:
DeerSlayer, I'm not sure if I'm in on the Stats but I'm 99% "NOT" there this year unfortunately. Your hunt overlaps the Wek Tbone (Who came and hunted Big horn sheep with me) is gonig to be here. I'm gonig to return the favor by hopefully helping him tag out on a bull or two....

But best of luck to you and your camp !!!! I'd love to share another camp with you were you're the Camp Be-atch again ;) GOOD LUCK !!!
Actually Moose Man.....you would have made 6 men instead of 5....but your invitation was open as you know. I had already figured you as probably not making it with your overloaded schedule and all.....so I did not count you in on the above post. But as I already told you over the phone a while back, I'd make room for you if you should decide that's what you want to do. Truthfully though....with this large camp we're having, there will probably be more bullshitting than killing going on.

Now here is a gander for you.....with Acon done for the year and Indy not being able to make it this year....who could the 5 coming to camp be......and 4 of them members here. I haven't heard a peep....must be on the Q. T. ...... ;)
Yer knowin I'm there sideways. Lookout cause I'm comin in broadside with a skid. Hey D.S. are there any roads to hunt off of?? HE HE Can't wait to shoot the breeze with the boys in camp.

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