the opposite of a fireside

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Why don't we have a forum where the non-friendlies can do combat? Then we all could go there to watch the car wrecks, and as a benefit we could enjoy a single thread without a personal attack in the other forums.
We could set up grudge matches and wager on the outcome! Any putzs who don't show just lose! Losers!!!!hahahahahahaha!!
Whereas I know my brilliance, I hereby challenge any 8 year old to a duel. but your mom has to be present so you don't have a potty mouth.
Yeah well if they set up the other sections for piss fighting let them stay there, I'm sick of reading informative posts that become shit fights, and you mate are one of the worst offenders
Again Jeff...

I'm not sure if you hit the rest of the board, I don't start them

Haven't for years...

Go back and take a look at any of a number of posts leading into the "shit fights"

If you guys don't like it, attack those who get it going in the first place then sit back and watch the show

It's as simple as that, I prefer not to get them going in the first place and as stated on one of the other threads, haven't started any of them since about 2002
I agree that the crap ought to stay in SI or Current Events, but if I/we start deleting posts that are not contributing to the topic or simply neative in nature, then everyone starts bitching about censorship. It has been stated many times that the fighting is supposed to stay off the rest of the board or take it to private messages or email.
Current events is the place we go to fight/fart/cuss....political stuff gets heated and sometimes it gets bad... but if you are squeemish then stay out of it. I think Hunttalk is cool because we have a place to get dirty.

Most people do a good job of keeping it in Current Events... why talk crap in the hunting sections?
why talk crap in the hunting sections
Other than a good natured barb or two (...course anything is fair game in the fantasy hunt section) it would be nice to keep the threads on track and without the constant one upmanship. I find that I'm reading less and less here and just scanning over many of the posters that throw on the same-ol-shit.

Remember most the time
I have actually been enjoying the piss matches so far (as long as no one is picking on me;) ).

Critter seasons will be opening soon anyway and I think most of the pissing and moaning will wane once the wacking begins (not that kind of wacking schmaltsy).:D

Carry on and continue to make me chuckle at the screen.

I agree you don't START the pissing matches but you do bring them on yourself, with those goofy survivel threads,,,you have to use some common sense when you start a thread with info you know will get you flamed,,its kinda like wearing a Webelos, or Boy Scout uniform to school,,,,then wonder why you get your ass kicked and lunch money taken
Yeah, We have seen alot of the Good Natured rubs turn into festering sores that need to be put in S.I. Heck, If a thread turns into a personal pissing match move it to S.I. Is'nt that the reason for having that section restricted? Some people might just come here to talk Hunting or make Friends who share a common Sport. And can't we all just respect everyone as a Human Being with Feelings........Dickheads! John
Yep 280 you’re correct

I saw a lot of good posts by you to keep things moving in survival

One thing I can say, you sure as heck didn't need to go into survival if it wasn't to your liking

Or you could have PM'd me on topics you would have liked to see more of as a few did and I would a done the research to oblige...

Example: "Tick born illnesses"

Or even (G A S P) posted some thing of your own!!!

That was all some goofy stuff indeed... :)

I would 100% agree with Draftstud on this topic

Do I carry things a little far...


If it weren't started in the first place and attacks put into the laps of those who offend to begin with this silly conversation wouldn't even be taking place

You guys need to put the onus where it really belongs or you will never stop the problem

Poke at a bear long enough and get mauled, then blame the bear for the problem... Makes sense to me ;)

I usually don't read your survival threads, mostly garbage and if you look at the hits you would see others feel the same. If you like posting then keep it up but don't cry when others think your threads are worthless, and make fun of you because of what you post.
LOL 280

The threads for a long time have been cut and pasted directly from other places all over the net for survival as some of the guys seemed to think was a big deal :rolleyes:

Again you could have very easily posted your own findings, ideas, what ever it would be, but as I've seen over the rest of this board, you don't post much of any thing and think most of what you see is "garbage"

It makes it real difficult to put much if any stock in what you’re telling me with these points in mind

Actually it be known...

I don't see you post any thing that isn't considered to be pessimistic "garbage"

So it looks to be that we are two peas in a pod as the saying goes in your way of thinking this out...

Eh there Brother??? :D
so it is everyones else fault but you huh chaser? I have absoultly no intrest in posting in your survival section with your Girl Scout tips, so until you realize your threads are part of the problem with the way some treat you on here you will continue to have problems,,,,so carry on,,,,,,,,,,,remember if ya keep wearing the Webelos uniform you will continue to get your nose bloodied
on 7-21 there are 15 CHASER survival threads with ZERO replies and a total of 111 hits. That is 7.4 hits average per thread. Today is the 27th so that is 6 days since posting, for an average of 1.23 hits per thread per day,,,now that shows that a smidge over one guy per day THOUGHT YOUR SURVIVAL THREADS IMPORTANT

Now on the same day 7-21 JOSE posted 13 survival threads with zero replies and a total of 129 hits for and average of almost 10 hits per thread and an average of 1.67 hits per day, so it seems Joses survival threads are of MORE intrest the chasers.


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