The next craze in bullets?

I don't really care if a bullet comes apart. As long as it does it's job.
Past couple of years i've been using Berger VLD. They are advertised as penetrating 3-5 inches and come apart. And it sure as heck works.
Thinking i'm going to try some Cutting Edge bullets this year.
They don't bounce off do they? Corelocks are a little modern for me now, so I haven't tried them in 30 yrs. Critters may be bulletproof to them now...

I had huge problems with corelocks in my rifle... I bought my rifle off a guy who was giving up hunting for golf and selling off everything in his safe and got 5 box’s of 140 grain corelocks and a box of 120s. The 120s shot ok... 2 inch groups at 100, I thought maybe the gun had been shot out as it was made in the 60s, .264 win mag, the 140s were all over the place I could barely keep them on a pie plate. My father-n-law couldn’t believe the group and wanted to try... 9 inches. We were pretty flabbergasted. I had already bought a box of Swift Aframes, so we loaded up 10 just to see what would happen, 140 grns, just like the corelocks. I shot a 1 inch group, my father-n-law shot a 1/2 group.

No idea why they were so bad, but I’m never going to waste my time and money dicking around with cheap ammo again.

Talked to the original owner a couple of months later, he had only put 30rounds through the gun, he had purchased the bullets with the gun... maybe close to 60 years on the shelf wasn’t good for them?
My great great great grandfather was able to kill deer with one shot with round balls he made himself at home. So haw far have bullet's really come? The biggest difference seem's to be we can do it farther now, if we can hit what we're aiming at! I have hunted all my life with inexpensive cup and core bullet's, never killed the first thing with a premium bullet. Why would I want to change if inexpensive has always worked?
My great great great grandfather was able to kill deer with one shot with round balls he made himself at home. So haw far have bullet's really come? The biggest difference seem's to be we can do it farther now, if we can hit what we're aiming at! I have hunted all my life with inexpensive cup and core bullet's, never killed the first thing with a premium bullet. Why would I want to change if inexpensive has always worked?
The first time I ever drew an elk tag I went out and bought some premium ammo of the time. It worked just fine and I killed a great bull.
It didn't kill it any more dead that any other elk I have shot with plain old Core-Lokt ammo since.
Worrying about how much someone does, or doesn't spend on bullets doesn't really even register on my GAF meter. Make sure it's accurate and makes clean ethical kills. If someone is happy hunting in blue jeans and shooting Core Locts, knock yourself out.
Except that Interlocks are much better than Core-lokts.

I really like my Berger hunting vld. Lots of dead animals DRT
Actually, I haven't checked this thread for a few days. Got caught up this morning and just thought I'd add a little humor. I am kind of an Interlock fan, but no, I really don't care what others shoot. Just being a smart ace for my own entertainment.

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