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The Love Of Dove Hunting


New member
Jul 12, 2002
Oak Park Georgia
Dove hunting (was) the only type of hunting I loved to do. I have hunted other game in the past, but nothing like what I put into hunting doves. I'll give you a little idea... Over the past 25 years or so I'd shoot 500/600 shotshells a season just dove hunting. I'd hunt on Saturdays and some weekdays after work. The second season was my favorite, weather was colder plus this time of year if you found a bird hunter (deer season was open now)he was a diehard bird hunter. More birds were found because most fields were plowed under leaving only a few fields with feed. I drive 36 miles to work one way, while driving I keep a look out for what has been planted and where. Then when dove season would get close I'd check on the fields for birds. Over the years I had a lot of good fields to choose from. Lots of great hunting over the years. I'd stop and ask the landowner for permission to have a dove hunt, Very seldom have I been turned down. Just a lot of great landowners. One thing I'd do was give the landowner a hat or pocket knife plus offer some of the gamebirds, I feel this was one of reasons I had a high percent of landower permission to hunt. I'd put the dove shoots together, I did'nt wait for the phone to ring... Now I'm getting down to my problem. The past 5 years or so the farming in this area has done a lot of changing. Farmers are planting more cotton, and lots of produce. Farmers are making more money doing this and I don't blame them. No money for corn in this area, hog market is busted in this area, on one has hogs anymore. Lots of fields have been planted in pine trees over the past 10 years. I've lost interest in hunting. Last year I shot doves one time, the same for the year before, both these were invites. Plus on top of all this, my best friend/hunting buddy and I have drifted apart. It just ain't the same anymore.... I don't teach hunter safety anymore. Anyone else loose interest in hunting?
I've not lost interest, just the time to go!
Graduate school has kept me more than busy the last two years.

Sounds like you have progressed into a different stage of the hunter (the last of the five stages). Maybe taking up a new type of hunting, say upland birds or using different more challenging equipment like a bow or muzzleloading shotgun would get the spark back? How about taking a trip somewhere like Mexico or So. America for the HUGE flocks of whitewinged doves? Just suggestions.

I hate to see people lose interest, as it happened to my father when him and my mother got divorced. Before then, he was gung-ho about deer and rabbit hunting, but after he just went when I would ask him to go. Didn't have his heart into it anymore.
I see your problem, you need to find and develop a relationship with a 12 year old who will show you the fire that used to burn in all of our eyes when an adult to us to the woods or field. You get tied up with a youngster and I bet you will drive those roads in search of dove fields. My boy loves the sport in the extreme, I don't know what I will do when he goes off on his own. Grab a grand kid and light his fire! My 2 cents.
you need to come out to arizona to hunt dove. the habitat is going fast but the hunting is still good, lot`s of whitewings.
With the farming changing like it has, there's just not the doves in this area like in the past. I've got 2 boys (17/23) They like to hunt also, but at their age now they're off doing their thing. We did hunt that one time last year. The whole family goes to the shooting range for a fun day of shooting, we shoot the 5-stand and sporting clays the most. The boys will invite their friends along. I'll be the trap boy on those days, I'll have just as much fun as they do just seeing the smiles on their faces. One thing the wife and I do now is volunteer for the Friends of NRA banquet and for NRA membership tables at gun/hunting shows. We have a lot of fun doing this... Its like dating again. I still work with the Boy Scouts, so all not lost. Maybe the drive to hunt will return this year, if not I've a great time shooting those gray ghosts!
Check out my "hunting squirrels with handguns" post in smallgame section. That might get my hunting interest back. I'm looking for some squirrel calling advice, so check it out.
Did you ever think about getting a pointer and hunting grouse,quail ,pheasant, woodcocks down there?
Its a whole lotta fun! I dove hunt down here but as soon as quail season opens up thats when the real fun starts, watching those dogs work and the thrill of the flush is a blast.
Just another option for ya.
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