The Looney Sheriff on the Second Amendment with "Smoking" Mirrors


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
We haven't checked in on the looney-tune sherriff lately, and guess what, he is ranting about the Constititution and the Second Ammendment....

Here's Mike!
Sheriff Michael E. Cook, Retired

I just can't believe that we are still fighting over what the Second Amendment actually stated about the right to bear arms. Anyone with enough education to read can see that it is a God given right for each person to bear arms. Kind of interesting that God gave us the right to bear arms.... I keep forgetting the difference between the Second Commandment and the Second Ammendment.....

It's that simple.
Now that the United States Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has released a document that affirms that this an individual right, the anti-gun people are going nuts. The old argument that it only gives the states the right to arm a militia is so much smoking mirrors. (What is a "smoking" mirror??? Is that what happens when someone ugly looks in a mirror????) :D

The research done by many people over the years also shows that the Supreme Court has said that it is an individual right many times over and over. However, the anti-gun people keep attempting to hang their hat on a case from 1939 which involved a bootlegger named Miller. It seems Miller had a sawed off shotgun with barrels less than 18 inches. His conviction for this was upheld by the Supreme Court in defense of the old machine gun act a few years earlier. As I understand it, Miller and his Attorney didn't even show up for the final arguments in this case.

The antis also keep going to a 9th Circuit Court finding in San Francisco California that the Second Amendment is not an individual right. Let me say this, this is the most overturned court in all the United States and is full of liberal judges who fully support the liberal agenda at every turn. They don't do the job with any attention to the Constitution and frequently find based solely on their own liberal agenda. Most of them should be removed from office and replaced by judges who will apply the Constitution as they are meant to do.

The Federal courts have dropped the ball on that finding also by not hearing this case. I think, like many others, that the Supreme Court is going to have to make case law in this regard in the near future. I hope and prey they will do the right thing and make it very clear, as the Second Amendment does, that this is an individual right. If not, then the Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on and America as we know it will no longer be a free nation and a strong republic.

This fight for our rights continues to cost tax dollars and valuable time by those we elect to represent us. This is stupid at best. Both sides of this issue - the pro-gun and anti-gun groups - are scared to bring it to the courts because they are worried about the outcome. Unless they can do it in the 9th Circuit Court, the anti-gun groups attempt to keep this out of court. This is because they know this court is in agreement with their cause.

I still believe that the Republicans won the highest office in this land in the last election for two very basic issues, first was the right to bear arms, which most Americans believe in and want protected. The second reason was because there are a lot of Vietnam Veterans in America who had very little or no use at all for a traitor like John Kerry. That is what made the difference at the voting booth.

It all boils down to this, "a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." How hard can it be, regulated means simply, controlled or well equipped. The military must be controlled so that they don't take over, and when this was put to print the militia was every able bodied man as we didn't have a large standing army. So we needed them all to have firearms so that we could fight wars. The word "people" when used in the Constitution is referring to all the citizens of this great country of ours. Just look at where they placed the commas. It don't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, and from what I've seen, we sure don't need a bunch of liberal whacko attorney's taking this on either.

The Department of Justice was right, so let it stand and let's get on with life.

God Bless America and God Bless our troops still in harm's way.
I think the "smoking mirrors" is a misquote from "smoke & mirrors". In his drawl he probably said "smoke'n mirrors". Go get'em Mikey. ;)
Actually, I agree with most of what he says this time. As far as a "God-given right to bear arms," I figure that he is talking about the right to self-defense, really. Rights are, almost by definition, God-given since they are not supposed to be subject to the control of Man or government. Of course, we all know that is not true, as government limits our rights all the time.
"smoke & mirrors" or "smoking mirrors" has long been carnie slang in the States for magic acts, freak shows, and other displays of is a term now used for any type of marketing disception.
Well Gummer, your democratic party roots are showing again. Do you find it a bifurcation to like to hunt and to advocate the suppression of the second amendment at the same time? Maybe you are one of those "elitist" democrats who believe that they are entitled to certain privledges that the common man can't handle.

It must be difficult being you..

Oh, one more thing.....Are you a lawyer?

At this time there are two definite interpretations of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. I can see both interpretations fairly easily. Until the constitution is changed to be more specific (which it never will) interpretations will rule. The only reason we are able to still have the same constitution is because it was worded with enough ambiguity to adjust to current conditions. I personally believe in the right for the individual to bear arms with some exceptions.
feclnogn said:
Kind of strange that a guy who hunts with firearms would have a problem with this article.

Gunner do you own your own firearms or do you borrow moosies??

I think I have as many guns as I do boots, binoculars, and backpacks. Just one more "tool" on the checklist. Nothing too cool about them, I don't sit around drooling all over them.... Just a tool...
But don't you think it is funny when you read somebody as dumb as the looney-tune sherriff, and watch them try and use words they heard somewhere, but don't know what they mean??? "Smoking mirrors" is pretty funny.... And even funnier are the posts by the others who think the guy is bright..... :rolleyes:

Remember, we must all worry about the Second "Commandment", as the looney-tune thinks the right to bear arms is a God given right.... :eek:
Tell us why he`s nut`s? [loony tunes] Is Howeird Dean Nuts?...{Ithaca he was your man]... just give us a "few" facts about this guy... that makes you Gunner/Ithaca think he`s a loony tunes ?
I just had a revelation! Three posters on this site are anti gun, anti hunting and have infiltrated to bash others and push their agendas. Now, I won't name names but they post photos of rather soft looking individuals with fine animals. Don't look like any dudes we see huntin' down here. These individuals could be hippie women with hairy armpits that are posting on behalf of the radical enviro groups for all I know. They sure thend to support each other in a perpetual love fest. I gotta go pack a couple cases of likker to take on my Oregon trip. We are snagging wild steelhead for a BBQ next week. Want to get as many as we can before they make it to Idaho.

You figgered it out! The three fools (or should they now be called the four fools) never pass up a photo opp with a fresh road kill in an effort to infiltrate the hunting community.
BHR, You're usually good for a laugh, too. " an effort to infiltrate the hunting community......" :D We don't need any efforts to "infiltrate" the hunting community. I've had it infiltrated since I was about 6 years old. :D

BHR, With your pro-development and anti-wildlife agenda you're a much bigger threat to the hunting and fishing community than 100 PETA members.
I guess I too am guilty of infiltrating the hunting communities.

Ithaca, I think BHR is a bigger threat than just 100 PETA members...he's more of a threat than the entire organization.
I don't know if this was Gunners line or from the Sheriff but "As I understand it, Miller and his Attorney didn't even show up for the final arguments in this case." I do believe he didn't show up because he had died.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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