The greatest Christmas gift I could have

Happy Birthday (and soon Christmas) to Nicholas. I just watched the ‘Nicholas video’ on YouTube and was grinning like a fool the whole time. What a special kid. Thanks Randy for caring for him and being such a genuine guy. Made my day!
First time seeing the youtube star Nicholas. Good stuff!
Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas 11 days early.
I thought Hunttalk would be excited to know that Nicholas harvested his first deer this year. Nicholas and his Dad asked me to post a photo.
This kid is a natural born hunter. He lives and breathes hunting. He and his Dad pushed it hard for elk and had some close opportunities on bulls. All public land.
They hunted to the last, and put some meat in the freezer.
Massive congrats to Nicholas and his Dad.
Good friends, good people.

This site, this thread, and much more not possible without Mr. Newberg.


Thanks Randy!!
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Merry Christmas Nicholas and Randy,may your New Year bring you happiness, Big Bucks and Bulls! 🔥
Thanks for posting that, Hem. Nicholas couldn't wait to tell me about his deer. I couldn't absorb all the details, but his level of excitement was all I needed to see/hear. It is amazing how his Dad was able to help him find a way that he could take Hunter Ed. When his Mom told me he did really well on the Hunter Ed test, Nicholas chimed in with his exact score, "88%."

His Mom sent me an art project that he did recently. It was a painting he did that included a deer, Nicholas, his Dad, me, and Matthew, all dressed in camo and looking for the "buck deer." You are not kidding when you said he lives and breathes all things related to hunting. He told me he "practices" every day.
Nice deer Nicholas! I hope you relive the hunt every time you are able to eat the meat from that deer!
Love this thread! What a GREAT young fella. Class acts all around with Randy & friends. Congrats to him on his first critter too. I'm sure we'll be seeing more in the future!
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