Caribou Gear

The greatest Christmas gift I could have

Today was Nicholas' birthday. I met him for a treat and a T-shirt. He's such a fun kid. I enjoy seeing the smile and how well he gets along considering the challenges he faces.


He asked if I could come to his school next week as his "show and tell" subject. Guess I'll be going back to school next week.
Happy Birthday, Nicholas!

And Merry Christmas too! I hope the winter and the rest of the New Year will be a good one for you.

From Iowa
Somehow I missed this in 2017 and I am so glad you refreshed it and gave it new life with the birthday picture. God bless you all and Merry Christmas!!
That was a fantastic start to the story and very enjoyable follow up. The icing on the cake is when Randy gets that young feller out on an elk hunt. Thanks for sharing!
Hope you had a great birthday Nicholas! Hope the show and tell at school is fun too!

Merry Christmas to all -
A twofer, Nicholas. Merry Christmas and happy birthday.

Keep warm in your school vest.

And a merry Christmas to your family, and to Randy and his family.
It's awesome to see someone give back as much as you do Randy. Blessings on you and your family and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to Nicholas as well! He's a star or Youtube and now HuntTalk!
Once again, it was Nicholas' birthday today. He had his Mom ask if I would meet him for his birthday today. He is such a special young guy, making so much progress even with the challenges he faces. Thanks to @Hem for introducing me to Nicholas. If there is a great fringe benefit of this gig I have, it is meeting young people like him.

I asked him if he wanted me to post our picture on the computer again this year. He gave a big smile and thumbs up. He watched me post it on Instagram and share it on FB. He gave me a big hug and handed my phone to his Mom so she could see. What a great weekend.


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