Wait...Gunner and Jose are one in the same? Get the fug outta here....
That's what I said, Ovis.
He's sitting next to me at the table, and Moosie says, "Hey Gunner, look at that (not saying what "that" was.)"
Then IDBulger looks over and says, "Jose, you want a Corona?"
I'm looking around trying to see where this other guy is. Finally, I see him smiling, and I ask, WTF is the deal with you having all these names? Then he comes clean with the story. As he sees the reaction on my face, he almost spits beer through his nose, and we all laugh like hell.
Moosie and Bugler are looking at me like I was in the twilight zone. They could be messin' with me, and if so, the joke's on me.
You gotta meet the man.
Ain't that right Gunner, I mean Jose, I mean........